Feather pecking!

Here's an article that has some good ideas. It does suggest pine tar, which is very messy and sticky. they sell a product called something like no pick which I understand helps. It also doesn't mention pinless peepers, which ou can order online -- try Murray McMurray Hatchery or Jefferslivestock.

The truth is, the best single deterrent is no doubt lots of space and forage.
Thank you Judy. I have been using the pine tar, but it so messes their feathers, and doesn't work. The pecking happens at night in the coop, which is a large shed, where they can move away from the culprit, wish I knew who it is lol. It only happens to two of the chickens, which had bald patches when I got them. I will have to move them on their own at night until their feathers grow again.

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