Feather picking, how can I stop it?


10 Years
May 29, 2009
I have a mixed bunch of hens, with one rather large Brahma. I have noticed that she was loosing the feathers on her feet and butt, recently I observed one of my other chickens plucking her. I have since noticed other bald spots on a couple of my other hens, why are they doing this? I know the Brahma was picking on everyone for a while but that seemed to work itself out. Help! I don't have the facilities to separate them, so I wondering if I need to cull. Not something I want to do either since they are all starting to lay. Thanks!
Hopefully the more experienced will chime in but it seems they are bored. Mine start picking on one of the EE's when times get dull and can't get out to free range. Maybe there isn't enough room for them all in the run? I've heard on here it can also be a protein deficiency. A can of tuna could help with that. Try adding more things to keep them busy like a pile of weeds if it's available. The flock will pick on her once she shows signs of blood and can be relentless. I bought some Wonder Powder today in hopes that it helps things. I think also they don't like the color purple? I think it was a mix of a bit of water and grape kool-aid and spread it over the effected area. This should keep them away from it. Hopefully what I have read on here and what info I have stored in my head are the same. Please correct me if I'm off but I think this should be a start to solving it.

How many hens do you have, how old are they, how much room do they have, and what are you feeding them?

ChookHappy has it right. It's probably boredom or a lack of protien. If it's boredom/overcrowding they usually don't eat the feathers. If they're eating the feathers it's more likely to be a lack of protien.

If they are really overcrowded you'll need to add more space or thin your flock. If they have been stuck inside because of the weather and the overcrowding is just temporary you may be able to add some edible toys like hanging a cabbage or two for them to peck at, put some treats like BOSS or scratch in the bedding for them to look for etc.

If you think it's a protien problem the best bet (IMO) is to switch them to a high protien feed like gamebird 22% or higher, be sure to put some oyster shell out free choice if you do that though so you don't run into low calcium problems. It will take a little time and it is still a good idea to give them the hanging cabbage as a distraction. It's also a good idea to give them a good going over in case you have mites and/or lice though you would be more likely to see self-plucking if that were the case.

ETA: You can get some blu-kote at the feed store to put on any red/bloody areas. It will help with healing and *should* keep the others from pecking at the injured areas. It's not fool proof though so if any of your chooks are in bad shape keep a really close eye on things and be ready to seperate them until they heal up some.
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Thanks for the tips, it seems you may be on the right track, I do have room for them to free roam, but they have been staying in the coop due to the snow. My coop is a bit cramped right now, but a redesign is in the works. We had planned it fr spring, but now it looks like it needs to happen sooner. So it probably is bordom. I will defifnitley try some of your suggestions, and increase their protein, and try the blue kote. I'll let you know!

I've put hanging suet feeders in my coop when we had a really bad cold snap too. I don't think it would be good for a regular thing--too much fat--but it's a high protien treat that will keep them busy for awhile. If you do a search on bored chickens or something similar you'll probably find a few threads with more ideas then I had. Mine free range during the day even in the really crummy weather, they just hang out in the big barn and lean-to if it's too ugly to run around in the field so I only have to worry about entertaining them when we go on vacation and they're locked up in the coop/run.
You asked how many hens I have and how old. I have ten chickens right now. One is a rooster, that slipped by the sexers, 4 of them are 10 month old hens, the rest I got as chicks in August. I love my chickens, I want to do all I can to keep them healthy and happy! The suet feeeders sound like a good idea.
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They are probably getting a little stressed from being cooped up. As others as said, find things to keep them busy, some hay on the floor to scratch through or a whole bale that they can tear down will keep them busy. A few low perches, say 12-18 inches of the ground, can help birds escape aggressors, although sometimes birds will just stand there while other birds are pulling their feathers.
I recently read a fun idea on here I thought I might try. Crickets! Someone picked up a bunch of little crickets at the pet store and turned them loose in their coop. Chickens went nutty over them. Seems like a good boredom cure, as well as a protein boost.

I might be a little squeamish for this, but I thought it was a great idea!
I have the same problem, in fact I submitted a question a while ago about it. I tried putting bag balm and vicks on them to curb it, but they HATE it and scratch it endlessly which could make it all worse. They have plenty of room, protein, calcium, hanging treats, scratch, ETC! I think I might have to separate the one I think is the bully. It happens on the roost, in the boxes, when I put oatmeal out. Do you know if it's one or many doing the pecking?

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