Feather plucking


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 15, 2011
I have 4 hens and 1 roo. Very small run and coop is one of the storage sheds you buy and set up.
We are zoned for only 6 chickens and no roo. I was blessed with one after they grew up. We are not allowed to free range here.
My problem is last evening when locking my chicks up, one of my hens was missing feathers on her back, I locked the roo up in a cage, but now I wonder what to do. I do not know if he was the one or other hens doing the picking. I need your help. My roo is a very nice roo and does not bother me and is good to the hens.
How old are the chickens?
If she is 16 months, she could be molting. He could have taken the feathers off while mating. A predator could have tried to get her.
Could you show me a picture? That would make it easier to tell. If it was mating, locking him up is no good. It is normal to lose feathers. If you put him back in, he will be lost in the pecking order and have to re-assert himself. That means more feather loss. Get him another hen, it will hopefully make him focus less on just that one girl. I would not get rid of him, either, over something that little. He is not trying to be mean.
The hen is under a yr. I do not really know when she was hatched as I boutht her from a Flea Market.
I watched them a lot today, and I generally give them a treat in the afternoon,and the other hens would run her away from the feed and when she moved on they also had to eat there.
She does look better today so far, seem the under feathers, guess that is what you call them have fluffed out more and you cannot see the bare skin so much.
I am not giving up, but I called out feed store and ask them if they had anti pick cream, they were out, but she told me for her chickens she uses vaseline and or Vicks vapor rub, but vaseline is the best.
So we will see what happens.
'thanks you so much for your help. I will let you know more later.
It sure seems like the others were pecking at her. The same thing happened to my chicken once, I bought this purple lotion called Pick no More. It deters pecking and it's really effective. Since you have a rooster the missing feathers could be a result of aggressive mating. You might want to look into that.
She seems to be doing pretty good, I have been watching, and I think it just might be a couple hens, I talked to my feed store manager, they also raise chickens and she told me to use vaseling, or vicks vapor rub. Vaseline was the best and the chicken really do not like the taste. That is what she uses, They also carry the cream and right now was out of it.
Thanks for you info. Will keep all posted.
thanks, we insulated it, paneled in it, my roost my husband put a pully so I could raise them while cleaning, a/c . Friends want to know if they could stay in it HA

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