Feather sexing quail help

All right everyone, I have updated photos of 3 that might be males. Do all 3 look like males to you? I’ve read that some can still have rust and some speckles but my girls are very obviously all speckled with barely any rust so I just wanted to get some opinions.

These are both female :)

Also a female below ---

This is a male - but some still keep their back spots :)

Hey all, my jumbo Cortunix are 2 weeks old which I know is on the earlier side of feather sexing but they seem to have most of their feathers. I believe I have 5 girls and 1 boy. Would anyone care to check and share your thoughts. If I don’t have a boy I would like to order eggs ASAP due to the long wait times, but if I have at least 1 boy I’m planning to breed from that stock for now. Thank you!
Only the middle one on the bottom row of pics is male. The one left of him MIGHT be one but I'm doubtful.

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