Feather sexing wyandottes


7 Years
Apr 5, 2012
Is this pretty accurate? I've read that roos feather out later than pullets. I have 2 chicks that are a week and a half old. The SLW has plenty of wing and tail feathers. The GLW has small wing feathers and no tail feathers yet. I'm giving my packing peanuts to a friend and am wondering if I should give this chick along with them. I can't have roos and my friend is out of state so I'd like to weed out as many potential boys as possible
The GLW also has some pretty stocky legs...I can put up pics soon.
Okay, here are pics of the little guys.

Chick #1

Chick #2

It's not a huge deal if they are too young to tell gender. But it would definitely help to move them at the same time if needed.
Ha, I figured
Guess I'll just have to watch both of the little beauties grow up. Oh darn
My two BLRWs feathered very quickly, and are both female. And both of my girls have huge legs! One had everyone convinced that it was a boy, but she's 15 weeks now and def. a girl. The breed seems to mature quickly, in my very limited experience.
Here are the pics I tried to submit, they are of two 26 day old GLW cock and pullet, the two with backs turned at the feeder are pullet you can see there fully feathered the cocks are roughly feathered in patches. None have feather on their heads yet. Just their bodies, Notice the wider comb in the middle picture, that is the cock, the first pic of the narrow comb is the pullet. There is no denying which is which. Hope this helps you

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