Featherless butts


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 10, 2012
Walterboro, SC
Any ideas as to what has happened to this Roos butt feathers. I have 2 golden lace Wyndottes that have missing feathers, this one being the worst. Not sure if picking on is what is going on. I don't hear or see any picking on. Could be at night when they go in. I dint think hey are sleeping on the roost. They were housed with some Cornish rocks that were just too fat to get up on the roost so I think the Wyndottes learned not to. Ideas to get them up there and what may be causing missing feathers. Checked them over and don't see any mites or anything on them.

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Is he bright red thing his tail or his vent with a prolapse? He has been attacked by the other chickens, and check his vent for a prolapse, since the pink or red tissue will cause more pecking. They will cannibalize each other when they see red. Get back here if that is a prolapse, but you need to separate him in a cage in the coop or run to keep him safe. Then spray his tail with BluKote or apply Nustock cream from the feed store. Here is a link about prolapsed vent or cloaca, if that may be a problem: http://www.the-chicken-chick.com/2012/04/prolapse-vent-causes-treatment-graphic.html
Any ideas as to what has happened to this Roos butt feathers. I have 2 golden lace Wyndottes that have missing feathers, this one being the worst. Not sure if picking on is what is going on. I don't hear or see any picking on. Could be at night when they go in. I dint think hey are sleeping on the roost. They were housed with some Cornish rocks that were just too fat to get up on the roost so I think the Wyndottes learned not to. Ideas to get them up there and what may be causing missing feathers. Checked them over and don't see any mites or anything on them.

Is he bright red thing his tail or his vent with a prolapse?  He has been attacked by the other chickens, and check his vent for a prolapse, since the pink or red tissue will cause more pecking.  They will cannibalize each other when they see red.  Get back here if that is a prolapse, but you need to separate him in a cage in the coop or run to keep him safe.  Then spray his tail with BluKote or apply Nustock cream from the feed store.  Here is a link about prolapsed vent or cloaca, if that may be a problem:  http://www.the-chicken-chick.com/2012/04/prolapse-vent-causes-treatment-graphic.html
That is his tail. So I was thinking he has been picked on too but the feathers on his back missing as well, is that from picking on? I'll watch him closer and put him on a seperate pen tonight.
If your coop is large enough for his pen or cage, it may be best to leave him with the others while healing, just to prevent you from having to reintroduce him. His tail if bloody may need a one time cleaning with weak Betadine, and you could also use Neosporin ointment on it until he goes back in with the others, then BluKote or Nustock would be best to minimize any pecking. Good luck with him.
Thanks! I will definitely clean it up with the betadine then I have had good results using honey w/ blue food coloring for a natural BluKote. Never had this happen before. I have 12 older chickens that never did his. Any tips on stopping pecking?

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