Feathers, feathers, feathers...


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 4, 2013
Mesa, AZ
Hello, I've got a 5 week old Red Sexlink and she's feathering out nicely with her beautiful red feathers, however, she has absolutely nothing on her back, nor does she have any tail feathers. I'm new to this breed, so I'm not sure when these should come in. I apologize for the extremely fuzzy pic, but I'm hoping someone can give me some information on this.


Thanks so much!
Yeah, usually wing feathers will come first.. Then the tail and body feathers. I have a few sex links.. good layers but they are bullies to other breeds.
Thank you so much! We will patiently wait for the feathers to come in. I was just worried because all the other pullets have them and she doesn't. So far we haven't experienced any bullying from her, but rather our GLW. :jumpy

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