Feathers not growing back

i love my chick

In the Brooder
Mar 1, 2016
My chickens have feather picked each other. Some of the chickens have not regrown feathers. Why is this? They are let out to free range. I have made sure that they have enough protein in their diet. They are not stressed.
Please help
If they are adults, older than 7-8 months than feathers don't usually regrow until a molt occurs.
Not necessarily. If the feathers were plucked all the way out, they will grow back. If they're broken, they won't until they're shed during molt. However, you can pluck those broken feathers yourself if you don't want to wait that long...
My chickens have feather picked each other. Some of the chickens have not regrown feathers. Why is this? They are let out to free range. I have made sure that they have enough protein in their diet. They are not stressed.
Please help
Welcome to BYC!

If they are picking feathers, that's pretty stressful IMO, especially for the ones being picked.
...and there was an owl attack a month ago?

More info on your flock....number and ages, housing(feet by feet), what and how are you feeding might help us help you figure it out how to stop the problem.

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