Feathers not growing back??


In the Brooder
Mar 18, 2015
This hen lost these feathers in the winter. Still not growing back. Any ideas?? She's still laying and acts fine
Sometimes it takes time for the feathers to grow back.
I have a hen that is always bald on her back(Except in the winter lol)
She could have mites
You can put raw honey on her back to see if the feathers will grow back.
Raw honey works for wounds and healing the skin, so maybe it will work. Give it a try

This hen lost these feathers in the winter. Still not growing back. Any ideas?? She's still laying and acts fine
How did it turn out, @gia2490? Two of my 4 Brahams are in the same boat, and now we're walking into July. There has been new growth, but not much progress in 6 months. Just applied Nu Stock, in case the other girls are pecking pins. Next step: treat for mites/lice.

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