feathershaft infection/ NEW Question NEED HELP THANKS PG 3


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Jan 1, 2008
I have read the other articles and I gave Freddy and Coch, my 2 banty cochins foot baths and put neosporin on their feet and bandaged them. I could hardly notice it, only small scabs and hardly any swelling. This was two days ago. I now took the bandages off and it looks worse and is hot. One of Freddy's feet it looks like all the feathers where they go into his foot are inflamed (the skin not the feathers) and very reddish skin there. Coch's feet feel a little hot too. And her big toes are BIG. I havent lanced because it didn't look like it needed to be. Should I lance? Can I use a needle? And do they have to have the penicillin? How much for a 1 1/2- 2 pound banty? Is there anything that can be done because of all the feathers on their feet? It seems to be making it much more difficult.

I feel bad, I didn't realize that because all the other chickens jump down that these two would get an illness because they had to jump down two feet into the coop at night.
They are pretty chunky compared to the rest of them.
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Well they took a long bath and that helped Freddy's feather foot problem a little. Then I lanced Freddy's foot and only blood came out. Not good. I mean good that he doesn't have any infection, I think. But now he wont come near me.
The scab is the area that you want to take off. But their feet might just be in the very early stage of bumble foot. You could try to see if you can pull the scab off and see what it's like under it and if it has any infection in it. If so then clean the infection out then apply the neosporin and bandage the foot back up. Good Luck
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Hi, tiki244.

When my chunky chicken got bumblefoot I used Cephalexin that I got from 1st State Vet Supply - it worked great!

If you google Feather Fanciers website and go to the forums there, there is an information page specifically on bumblefoot - there are other antibiotics recommended that you can use as well. Good luck!
Pictures are impossible I'm afraid. It looks like the upper toe and the bottom toe of Slifer's feet on the bottom of their pads. The feather's on Freddy's feet are red where the shaft goes into the skin and that seems to look painful. Coch has her big toes look like Slifer's bottom toe, just that extra large bump and some swelling. (from the top foot in the picture)

I will go to Feather Fanciers and read that too. Thanks

I am wondering now, because the feather shafts seem to be the worst, if there is anything that can be done for that. I don't think I can pull the feathers out.!?

eta; Can I cut his feather's shorter? They are very long on his feet.
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They will probably bleed like heck...

Roosters DO have like a red line going up their legs...it's just their colouration...

Slifer's second toe from the top has a callus, with a tiny bit of an infection.

DH had a conniption when I brought her in and plopped her on the scanner.
Oh My Gosh!!! Thats funny. I think I will just give them foot bathes at night then and check on it to see what happens.

eta They had to stay in today. Freddy just sat on the living room rug most of the day, but once he jumped up on a chair and was looking outside. Coch was getting into all sorts of trouble, just being inquisitive.
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I need help! Since the original post a month ago, my female coch has died of (I suspect a heart attack). Freddy really never seemed to have anything that looked like the picture of the bumblefoot. The only spot he had on the bottom of his feet was the one I opened to try and get out pus, but there was none. :| So I did harm trying to help. Anyway, he still has the problem with the reddness on the skin where his foot feathers go into the skin. However, it is very very red all up one side of one leg and one of his toes is three times the normal size. I am now Very worried

*****Should I pluck his feathers around the area and will that help? I did open his toe up and there does not appear to be any puss but the skin is very thick and it seemed like there was a blood clot coming out (small).
I also have been treating him with Vicks vapo rub on his feet for scaly leg mites.two days ago and think that may have irritated it? But its really bad now. Something is definetely wrong !!!
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:| What will happen if I pluck the feathers? Any suggestions? Sorry so impatient. Tomorrow come hl or high water I am getting a picture. This is BAD!

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