February 2017 Hatch-a-long

If you don't have any pips at the end of day 22, and it is safe to open the incubator, you can choose one of the lightest colored eggs, and when you candle, give it a little tap with your fingernail up by the air sack. Most chicks will respond to the tap with some movement or even peck a bit. I have also candled with very cold hands and they respond to that too!

Ok, Tomorrow night I will try this as well. Thank you.
Well, hmmm... It's not looking great for those 12 shipped Sebright eggs. One was cracked. Of the remaining eleven, only two show distinct development when candled today (Day 6).

The great news is, Firefly has a moving embryo:

And Ambrosia is showing veining. I couldn't get the best pics, but the egg looks good:

A third egg showed what looked like an eye spot, but no movement at all and no visible veining. There was nothing visible in the other eggs at Day 6. That's not too hopeful, is it?

I have read that you should give the eggs at least 10 days before taking out the "yolkers" and also remember day 1 begins 24 hours after you put them in the incubator. I'm hoping you get a few more developing soon!

Got an incubator full (or will this evening). I close on my new place with 20 acres in a few days (provided the FHA people get their feet out of their mouths and get everything approved in time...) Their's no stopping me now-BWAHAHAHA!!!!

Anyhow..... got 10 Red Bourbon turkey eggs, some of my runner duck eggs ( to sell), some of my Isbar eggs (need more than 1 girl, and my first hatch of her eggs was all boys, naturally), some bantam chocolate English Orpington, some serama eggs, and some Cornish cross eggs on the way.

I foresee a LOT of coop building in my future. Good thing everyone can stay in the barn for now.

I also hope the move goes smoothly for you and your critters!
Well, today is day 21. Not seeing any eggs wobble or anything. Granted, 20 eggs in my Brinsea Oct 20 is pretty tight. If these don't hatch, I need to figure out what in the world I'm doing wrong! This will be the second time, different incubators, that all DIS. I'm not opening obsessively. I only candle 3 times, day 6/7, 14, and 18. I did recandle these last night. A few I'm sure are DIS, most I have no idea. I still saw veins. Air cells have grown some more. Mostly what I see is just solid dark, which is the chick. Advice?
I agree with the others - give it time. My Thanksgiving hatch - I left the house on day 21 for work - not a SINGLE pip. Came home from work to 8 pips and 1 zip. The majority of the chicks hatched day 22 some on day 23 I also find that in almost every hatch, the first chick will hatch, then it seems like HOURS AND HOURS before the next one tries. That first chick will be a screaming cheerleader for all the other eggs. I find the more I stress about the hatch, the worse the hatch seems to be. I wish you the VERY best, and that they all start pipping at once!

Personally I almost NEVER see eggs wiggle. EVER. I see them peck at the shell, or I see them move when they are zipping. But I have the calmest ever eggs, or I need new glasses, but I see pips long before I see eggs move.

Ok, for my eggs....I had won a backyard mix of eggs on the 24 hour auction that I locked down last night. Sadly 12 of the 36 didn't make it - 1 quietly exploded egg, that didn't stink, or make much of a mess, 1 blood ring, and the rest no development, but I locked down 24 BEAUTIFUL eggs. There are some funky air cells, but I don't coddle them. They either hatch or they don't. We'll see.

I candled the Super Blue eggs I won from the 24 hour auction, as well as some silkie/frilkie eggs I got from Ebay - they were day 11. It's funny, they both came from TN. The Super Blues - I had to pull 1 egg, then I pulled 2 of MY own silkie eggs. But, all the Silkie/Frilkie shipped eggs made it. The shipped eggs all have funky air cells, but that is pretty much expected in my experience.

Happy Hatching everyone!
I agree with the others - give it time. My Thanksgiving hatch - I left the house on day 21 for work - not a SINGLE pip. Came home from work to 8 pips and 1 zip. The majority of the chicks hatched day 22 some on day 23 I also find that in almost every hatch, the first chick will hatch, then it seems like HOURS AND HOURS before the next one tries. That first chick will be a screaming cheerleader for all the other eggs. I find the more I stress about the hatch, the worse the hatch seems to be. I wish you the VERY best, and that they all start pipping at once!

Personally I almost NEVER see eggs wiggle. EVER. I see them peck at the shell, or I see them move when they are zipping. But I have the calmest ever eggs, or I need new glasses, but I see pips long before I see eggs move.

Ok, for my eggs....I had won a backyard mix of eggs on the 24 hour auction that I locked down last night. Sadly 12 of the 36 didn't make it - 1 quietly exploded egg, that didn't stink, or make much of a mess, 1 blood ring, and the rest no development, but I locked down 24 BEAUTIFUL eggs. There are some funky air cells, but I don't coddle them. They either hatch or they don't. We'll see.

I candled the Super Blue eggs I won from the 24 hour auction, as well as some silkie/frilkie eggs I got from Ebay - they were day 11. It's funny, they both came from TN. The Super Blues - I had to pull 1 egg, then I pulled 2 of MY own silkie eggs. But, all the Silkie/Frilkie shipped eggs made it. The shipped eggs all have funky air cells, but that is pretty much expected in my experience.

Happy Hatching everyone!

Thank you! I guess part of my worry is that my first attempt at hatching, only 2 out of 8 hatched. 2nd attempt, none of the 6 eggs hatched. These attempts were with a different incubator that doesn't have the best reviews. Hence my "investing" in my new Brinsea. I am going to totally ignore the incubator! I am going to totally ignore the incubator! Darn it, I AM GOING TO IGNORE THE INCUBATOR!!! Think that'll work (as I am walking over to the blasted incubator to peer in, ONE LAST TIME....)? LOL
Thank you! I guess part of my worry is that my first attempt at hatching, only 2 out of 8 hatched. 2nd attempt, none of the 6 eggs hatched. These attempts were with a different incubator that doesn't have the best reviews. Hence my "investing" in my new Brinsea. I am going to totally ignore the incubator! I am going to totally ignore the incubator! Darn it, I AM GOING TO IGNORE THE INCUBATOR!!! Think that'll work (as I am walking over to the blasted incubator to peer in, ONE LAST TIME....)? LOL
HAHA I have to tell you that I wake up a MINIMUM of 5 times each night, just to go check the eggs during lock down. I just locked down a bunch and I saw some draw downs, so I'm hoping!! But I locked em down EARLY on day 18 because I didn't want to disturb the other eggs any later than I did. I really don't expect any activity for at least 2 days.

I can tell you, I always have staggered hatches. I am not the most organized person. I have accidentally locked down a few eggs that were earlier in the incubation process, and heard chirping and finding a hatched chick or 2 in the 'bator with the turner (and 35% humidity). So, they are very resilient little creatures....

I LOVE my Brinsea. My hatch rates drastically improved once I upgraded. I think you will have lots of fun, fuzzy little chicks soon!
HAHA I have to tell you that I wake up a MINIMUM of 5 times each night, just to go check the eggs during lock down. I just locked down a bunch and I saw some draw downs, so I'm hoping!! But I locked em down EARLY on day 18 because I didn't want to disturb the other eggs any later than I did. I really don't expect any activity for at least 2 days.

I can tell you, I always have staggered hatches. I am not the most organized person. I have accidentally locked down a few eggs that were earlier in the incubation process, and heard chirping and finding a hatched chick or 2 in the 'bator with the turner (and 35% humidity). So, they are very resilient little creatures....

I LOVE my Brinsea. My hatch rates drastically improved once I upgraded. I think you will have lots of fun, fuzzy little chicks soon!

Thank you!
I have read that you should give the eggs at least 10 days before taking out the "yolkers" and also remember day 1 begins 24 hours after you put them in the incubator. I'm hoping you get a few more developing soon!

I also hope the move goes smoothly for you and your critters!
Thank you @FluffyButt789 I did count setting day as Day Zero, so we are at Day 7 now, and only two show anything. Thank you also for the reminder that it's too early to give up on "yolkers" just yet! The eggs and I appreciate the good wishes.

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