February 2017 Hatch-a-long

Went to bed with 6 pips. Woke up at 3:30a. Of course I'd have to get up to check the incubator!

Baby number one (F3 Olive Egger)


I can only imagine how excited and relieved you were to see that little one!!! Hurrah!! High-five from Redding, CA!!
I can only imagine how excited and relieved you were to see that little one!!! Hurrah!! High-five from Redding, CA!!

Relieved is an understatement! I think I've got about 7 more pipping. Not sure. Some are barely cracked and haven't changed much at all, some are changing fast!

Sleepless night for sure! Went to bed around 1/1:30. Woke up at 3:30! LOL I thought I was done with the "sleeplessness due to baby" stage at my age!!!!
Got an incubator full (or will this evening). I close on my new place with 20 acres in a few days (provided the FHA people get their feet out of their mouths and get everything approved in time...) Their's no stopping me now-BWAHAHAHA!!!!

Anyhow..... got 10 Red Bourbon turkey eggs, some of my runner duck eggs ( to sell), some of my Isbar eggs (need more than 1 girl, and my first hatch of her eggs was all boys, naturally), some bantam chocolate English Orpington, some serama eggs, and some Cornish cross eggs on the way.

I foresee a LOT of coop building in my future. Good thing everyone can stay in the barn for now.

That is so exciting! I am very jealous and have my fingers crossed for you :)
Relieved is an understatement! I think I've got about 7 more pipping. Not sure. Some are barely cracked and haven't changed much at all, some are changing fast!

Sleepless night for sure! Went to bed around 1/1:30. Woke up at 3:30! LOL I thought I was done with the "sleeplessness due to baby" stage at my age!!!!

Now, it's "sleeplessness due to babies! (Baby chicks, that is!
Relieved is an understatement! I think I've got about 7 more pipping. Not sure. Some are barely cracked and haven't changed much at all, some are changing fast!

Sleepless night for sure! Went to bed around 1/1:30. Woke up at 3:30! LOL I thought I was done with the "sleeplessness due to baby" stage at my age!!!!

Lol I was the same way last year when I hatches going on! Luckily so far this year for my one hatch all hatching has occurred during the day!

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