February 2017 Hatch-a-long

I'm still debating getting a second bator - if I win an auction I'm bidding on (ebay). I have a friend who will loan me one, but I might just get a cheaper Hovabator for hatching. Not sure yet...

Of course you should get another incubator! Hatch-a-holicism at its finest! :lau

I've only been hatching for a month and I'm fixing to buy another one next week from a friend of mine. :rolleyes:
I'm still debating getting a second bator - if I win an auction I'm bidding on (ebay). I have a friend who will loan me one, but I might just get a cheaper Hovabator for hatching. Not sure yet...

Of course you should get another incubator! Hatch-a-holicism at its finest! :lau

I've only been hatching for a month and I'm fixing to buy another one next week from a friend of mine. :rolleyes:

Yes get another it is always handy. I have 6 and 1 is a cabinet. :oops:
Yes get another it is always handy. I have 6 and 1 is a cabinet. :oops:

I'm slowly convincing my husband that I might be able to make my hobby at least "break even" (how many hobbies can do that?), and he's warming to the idea of another bator. Occasionally, I see him over by the brooder talking to the chicks...he may yet be a convert to "our" way of thinking!
Hello just popping in to say hi! I've been over on the Groundhog Day Hatch-a-Long. My first time incubating resulted in 5 out of 5 chicks being hatched this past week. All that worrying and fretting over temp and humidity paid off I guess! We also had a broody sitting on eggs and then abandoned them so we threw them in the incubator. 4 were fertile so I guess we will be hatching out some more in the last week of February. Not really expecting another 100% hatch, but just don't have the heart to throw out the developing eggs. I wish everyone good luck with their hatches!
I'm slowly convincing my husband that I might be able to make my hobby at least "break even" (how many hobbies can do that?), and he's warming to the idea of another bator. Occasionally, I see him over by the brooder talking to the chicks...he may yet be a convert to "our" way of thinking!

I sure as heck ain't breaking even. I swear these these chickens will be the death of me.
This is my second time ever hatching eggs, and I'm using an Incuview. I love it! My first hatch ever was with an Incuview and it gave a 92% hatch rate. What do you not like about it?

I'd say my one complaint is that it does not have a readout on the hygrometer. Just ''too low'' ''just right'' or ''too high''.
They biggest thing I don't like is the egg turner. They lay down on their sides and slide back and forth. The Brinsea tips the whole incubator, and the LG has each egg in a pocket and each row tilts back and forth. For some reason I have better luck with the upright eggs.

I had a harder time keeping the heat even, in the Incuview I needed heat sinks.

But it is my favorite to hatch in because it is so easy to see into it. The Brinsea just makes it so much easier with the humidity If I can time the hatch on a weekend I know I will be home - I will hatch in the Incuview. If they are hatching while I am at work or on a day I'm away, the Brinsea is hands off, no babysitting.

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