February 2017 Hatch-a-long

They biggest thing I don't like is the egg turner.  They lay down on their sides and slide back and forth.  The Brinsea tips the whole incubator, and the LG has each egg in a pocket and each row tilts back and forth.  For some reason I have better luck with the upright eggs.  

I had a harder time keeping the heat even, in the Incuview I needed heat sinks.  

But it is my favorite to hatch in because it is so easy to see into it.  The Brinsea just makes it so much easier with the humidity If I can time the hatch on a weekend I know I will be home - I will hatch in the Incuview.  If they are hatching while I am at work or on a day I'm away, the Brinsea is hands off, no babysitting.  

Yeah, all valid points. I have not had a hard time with the temperatures, but the turner could use some improving....
I'm on day 4 with a Hatch date March 1st.
cold weather is a concern.
This is my second time ever hatching eggs, and I'm using an Incuview. I love it! My first hatch ever was with an Incuview and it gave a 92% hatch rate. What do you not like about it?

I'd say my one complaint is that it does not have a readout on the hygrometer. Just ''too low'' ''just right'' or ''too high''
My incubator has no hygrometer, so I ended up buying a little round one from Petco that velcros on. It's worked well.
I've got 12 goose eggs due on February 28th

Nice! Which type of goose is your favourite? Are these under a goose, or in an incubator?

I don't know that I have a favorite. In these eggs there are a chance to hatch American Blues, American Buffs, colored Sebastopols or white Sebastopols and I already have white and brown Chinese and Toulouse. They are in my Incuview cabinet incubator.
Oh, my gosh! I must be getting old. I didn't realize until I snapped this pic and checked it against my hatching spreadsheet... I missed putting one of the Sebright eggs in the incubator!!

I had twelve eggs, and then realized that one had a hairline crack and was seeping (tossed it), which left eleven... but there are only ten in this picture. Oops. Sure enough, poor Zarina has been sitting in the egg carton for an extra two days, while all the other eggs have been incubating. Those cute bantam eggs are so little, I didn't see it sitting there lonely in the newspaper wrapping. I guess I should expect that one to hatch two days after the others, yes? I hope I didn't do major harm by leaving it resting at room temperature an extra two days.

Three of the eggs have stable air cells. Seven are wobbly, but not detatched. I put the wobblers upright in paper towel tube rings, and am turning them very gently. That worked well for my shipped Silkie eggs, so I am hoping to have success again.

Poor Zarina! *sigh*

I don't know that I have a favorite. In these eggs there are a chance to hatch American Blues, American Buffs, colored Sebastopols or white Sebastopols and I already have white and brown Chinese and Toulouse. They are in my Incuview cabinet incubator.
Oh, wow!! I had never taken a look at Sebastopol geese, but I just did an image search. Those feathers! They are like the frizzles of the goose world - so pretty! The American Blues are very handsome, too. Looking forward to seeing your chicks, if you post pics.
I don't know that I have a favorite. In these eggs there are a chance to hatch American Blues, American Buffs, colored Sebastopols or white Sebastopols and I already have white and brown Chinese and Toulouse. They are in my Incuview cabinet incubator.

Oh, wow!! I had never taken a look at Sebastopol geese, but I just did an image search. Those feathers! They are like the frizzles of the goose world - so pretty! The American Blues are very handsome, too. Looking forward to seeing your chicks, if you post pics. :)

They are beautiful and I'm so excited for them to hatch. Will definitely post pictures!!

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