February 2017 Hatch-a-long

Temp should not be an issue then as long as you know your thermometer is accurate. Humidity adjustment 35% is pretty safe. You may also want to go 70%+ during lock down it just helps soften everything up. Good luck with your next hatch I'm setting another 10 EEs today.

Ok I just got an older GQF cabinet for souly hatching. Right now I have 29 sulmtaler eggs and 29 more going in today or tomorrow. Than my neighbor is bringing me 75 of his mixed breeds to hatch. Too many chickens, but now with a hatching bator it will be better hopefully.
I hate when I do stupid things. I had 3 eggs from my own flock that were "loose" in the bator (all the others were in their cut out cartons and I ran out of room), so I had been turning them; sometimes propping them up against the cartons,sometimes just rolling them. I just realized yesterday that when I had propped them up, I was doing it pointy end up!!! Gggaaahh! Poor little embryos. I do hope they don't suffer from my dumbness!!
I did that with one of mine. I realized my mistake after one night and put it back the way it was supposed to be. It hatched out ok. You'll be fine :)
Ok I just got an older GQF cabinet for souly hatching. Right now I have 29 sulmtaler eggs and 29 more going in today or tomorrow. Than my neighbor is bringing me 75 of his mixed breeds to hatch. Too many chickens, but now with a hatching bator it will be better hopefully.
I hope it goes better for you as well. I ordered a Hova genesis 1588 advance unit Friday. I'm hoping it arrives by Wednesday do to the fact I'm currently doing a staggered hatch. I have eggs do to hatch on the 18th, 25th, and the following weekend. Fingers crossed that it all goes as planned. All the eggs I'm hatching currently are EEs, and I'm getting the black Austrolops next month. I also have RP turkeys which I will hatch out their eggs this spring as well. I must say I'm addicted to the hatching thing.
Well, a second incubator is now called for since winning cjwaldon's legbar auction! Truthfully didn't think I'd win, but I'm extatic! Just.need.another.bator.!!!!!
Oh, my gosh! I must be getting old. I didn't realize until I snapped this pic and checked it against my hatching spreadsheet... I missed putting one of the Sebright eggs in the incubator!! :/ I had twelve eggs, and then realized that one had a hairline crack and was seeping (tossed it), which left eleven... but there are only ten in this picture. Oops. Sure enough, poor Zarina has been sitting in the egg carton for an extra two days, while all the other eggs have been incubating. Those cute bantam eggs are so little, I didn't see it sitting there lonely in the newspaper wrapping. I guess I should expect that one to hatch two days after the others, yes? I hope I didn't do major harm by leaving it resting at room temperature an extra two days. Three of the eggs have stable air cells. Seven are wobbly, but not detatched. I put the wobblers upright in paper towel tube rings, and am turning them very gently. That worked well for my shipped Silkie eggs, so I am hoping to have success again. :fl Poor Zarina! *sigh*
May I ask what's all the writing on your eggs? I am guessing breeds maybe? Thanks any ideas I am open too if no one minds me using theirs.
Okay first candling done, of my Auracana eggs all but 2 are thriving, one may be a slower grower and one I'm afraid is showing a blood Ring but I'm not willing to give up on her just yet. My polish eggs are a little less successful but my boy is young but we do have about 70% bouncing and the rest are looking like yolkers. And last but not least it looks like the Orpingtons were all fertile but 3 and there may be a blood Ring developing in one but the egg has good veins development so it may be nothing. All the air sacks look great! All in all super pleased so far with the first batch of the year.

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