February 2017 Hatch-a-long

[/IMG]i have 2 of the 3 EEs hatched as of 8am this morning.
Such a great day for our little farm! Soon, all of my standard layers will have their very own abode, and the other pens will be open to starting work on some new breeds! Here is our new chicken shed (clever names anyone?) as it wasgetting put together.

And here, the chickens, of course, must check out the finished product!

We call our coops the grand roostapest hotel, the hen chalet and the Love shack. Since it's for your layers I'd go with a egg theme like the ovation station or eggs landing etc.just my silly 2 cents!
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sorry second pic didn't load.

Congratulations! I did my 14 day candling and we did loose a few more on the outside edges of the incubator, I'm guessing it was nocturnal temp fluctuations , but my amauracana are looking good. Lost I think all but 2 of the Polish and my orps are still thriving. Lock down in 3 days!
Thanks! I must say it has been a journey to say the least. After 20 yolkers I'm finally getting growth. I'm in the beginning of a staggered hatch which this weekend was the first of four. I only had 3 this weekend and I'm now at work so not sure how egg 3 is doing. Next weekend I have 7 then 8 and then 11. So fingers crossed I'm able to pull it off. My wife is getting tired of me looking over the eggs all day like a mother hen.
We call our coops the grand roostapest hotel, the hen chalet and the Love shack. Since it's for your layers I'd go with a egg theme like the ovation station or eggs landing etc.just my silly 2 cents!

Love it!!! I'm all about the silly themed names for things - we have a coop called the "Toy Box" and all the hens that sleep in it have toy names: Holly Hobby, Raggedy Ann, Polly Pocket, Barbie, Skipper, etc.
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Well, I need a name for my new duck house, I thought Quack House sounded a bit too close to another spelling, kinda negative, so now I'm thinking The Quackery or Coup De Quack. Any other suggestions? I ordered a duck weather vane for the roof.

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