February 2017 Hatch-a-long

Well, I need a name for my new duck house, I thought Quack House sounded a bit too close to another spelling, kinda negative, so now I'm thinking The Quackery or Coup De Quack.  Any other suggestions?  I ordered a duck weather vane for the roof.

Well, whatever you call it, as a subtitle you could say, "We're quackin' up in here!"
LOCKDOWN!So formal, and so[/B ]happening at the Orr's today! Chicks this week!!! I need a dance for this!!! (NOT the chicken dance!)
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Day 20 Pipping and peeping currently happening over here! First time hatcher and wanting to stay glued to the incubator so I don't miss anything, lol. Hatching shipped Black Australorps. So far 2 of the 9 eggs have externally pipped

Day 20 Pipping and peeping currently happening over here! First time hatcher and wanting to stay glued to the incubator so I don't miss anything, lol. Hatching shipped Black Australorps. So far 2 of the 9 eggs have externally pipped


It may just be the angle of the photo, but it doesn't look like there's enough space for them to push the tops off once they zip! What type of incubator is it?
What are your plans for them? Actually I'm curious about that for everyone who hatches. To sell? To add to the flock? For meat? To breed/make a project of, etc?

I'm glad someone else asked first. I am arriving late to this hatch-a-long. I find myself, like many people, somewhat (Very) addicted to the beautiful process of witnessing an egg become a chicken. I don't own an incubator because I truly don't trust myself with one! I have, in my flock, a very broody silkie who has done All of the hatching for me. The largest we had was a 7 chick hatch...and I feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of birds that are here. Overwhelmed in a good way mind you, but if my feed bill and my coops keep up with me, I'll have a hundred by next year! Well, maybe not a hundred but lots!
I am reading each hatch-a-long that I participate in and also others I am not having hatches so I can learn as much as possible.
What in the world does a [person do with 40, 50, 200 chicks? I admire the work and especially the knowledge that goes into this! I'm just looking for some expert direction so that I do Not have to go to Chickens Anonymous!

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