February 2017 Hatch-a-long


First little early bird a day early!
I hate to tell you but I get nervous every single time. My last hatch before this (broody hen, not incubator) I thought I'd loose my mind. They were due to hatch 1-2 days before Thanksgiving. Mind you I'm no pro at this but when she started pushing eggs, one at a time out of the nest I panicked. I opened them to see why. The ones she pushed out were quitters not viable eggs. I finally woke the morning after Thanksgiving to 3 little cute silkie chicks!

The hatch I have going on now (hopefully) has its own set of worries. Mima (hen) did push out a couple but I know she knows what's up. She has a rather large clutch for a tiny hen...but she's staying on them! She's an excellent mom. My concernS (multiple concerns) are that the chicks that hatched late November are still in the same 2 level house with Mima and Mun~eco (Rooster/dad). He does great staying with her, protecting his wife like the big man (well not-so-big) he should be. I'm working on building a temporary divider between the top (2nd) floor and the ground floor where the youngsters spend most of their time. 
Concern #2? I did a crazy thing. I added an egg to the clutch when I knew full well it was too late a time to do it. I sort of lost my mind and when Myrtle (Olive egger) laid an new egg I added it about 4 days in.
The night before last Myrtle was killed by a ground attack that I'm nearly sure was a raccoon. I am crushed about the loss.
Maybe I had a "premonition",  but likely it was just a crazy move.
So,rather than be mad at myself I am trying to find the best strategy to give All of the eggs, and Myrtle's egg which I hope beyond hope will hatch.
If anyone has the patience to read my rambling post, I would appreciate any and all ideas to help.

I know how you feel about your lone egg there I had one EE hen and lost her too. I have only one egg in the incubator from her and hoping it hatches myself. I have herd that if the hen leaves the nest you can place the eggs in a preheated incubator and they still can hatch. I have had a scare fro two days now I couldn't find my little dutchie hen and this morning she finally came out for a bite and a drink so I'm guessing she's nesting somewhere too so I'm hoping to have a chick or two from her as well. I'm guessing I have to surrender myself to Chicken Anonymous because I have 25 more eggs ready to put into my incubator I'm hoohed and need some help.
wife is threatening to scramble my babies !
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I know how you feel about your lone egg there I had one EE hen and lost her too. I have only one egg in the incubator from her and hoping it hatches myself. I have herd that if the hen leaves the nest you can place the eggs in a preheated incubator and they still can hatch. I have had a scare fro two days now I couldn't find my little dutchie hen and this morning she finally came out for a bite and a drink so I'm guessing she's nesting somewhere too so I'm hoping to have a chick or two from her as well. I'm guessing I have to surrender myself to Chicken Anonymous because I have 25 more eggs ready to put into my incubator I'm hoohed and need some help.
wife is threatening to scramble my babies !

Thank goodness you found your dutchie hen! That must have been so upsetting. Do you free range your chickens? or did your hen escape somehow?

My Olive egg from Myrtle isn't alone in an incubator. I don't even own an incubator. My silkie is sitting on a clutch, a mix of her own eggs, one or 2 from her daughter pullet, and a couple of standard size mixed breed eggs. I am worried about the olive egg because Mima (hen) would have to keep it warm a few days after her others hatch.
I checked a bit earlier and nothing's up yet. I usually can't wait to see pips and hear chicks but the later these go, within safety of course, the better it could be for the olive egg to catch up.

I hope your lone egg hatches too!
How long can a chick stay zipped before it needs help. Is there a reason why a chick pips but can't finish hatching by its self. It always happens to me. I just need some advice please.

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