February 2017 Hatch-a-long

Got A little bit of a miracle chick here. This chick pipped on day 23 and could get out alone. I ended up helping him out but sadly he started bleeding. Personally I thought that he was going to be dead within an hour. But now he is in the brooder with his other 2 buddies. Still looking a little weak but definitely getting better. He is the one in front. I never saw one that bad survive.
Congrats little guy, hang in there!!

Sadly 2 of my frizzled silkies have splayed legs. One is hobbled and doing great, the second seems to have had a stroke or something. There is more wrong with it than just it's legs. It's hobbled like the first, but still stretches it's legs straight out the back. It also has it's had permanently turned to the left. We can't seem to get it to look to the right. It's left wing is flapping, it's right is not. It's just not looking healthy. But I can't cull. I put it in a corner and keep going in and putting it near the water and food for a bit. Then back to the corner. I"m hoping it gets better, but I figure it will be gone by morning....
Awww, I am so sorry. With my Silkie hatch, six were perfect, but one chick was just 'not right.' The little black Silkie had splayed legs, which I taped, but it would not eat anything and kept making shrill, distressed sounds. I cuddled it, tried vitamins, but it was just not long for this world.

I am glad your other splayed frizzle is doing ok, and keep hoping they both will pull through.
We're having a troublesome day here in chicken world.
I'm hoping I mis-remembered the day that Mima (broody silkie) started sitting on the eggs, or it's day #22 now.
Late Nov. hatch, she pushed out a couple (I opened and were non-viable by the time she pushed them out). Those eggs were 1 1/2-2 days late too. I decided to sleep on it and woke to 3 beautiful peeping perfect chicks.

IF I remember properly, she began sitting on February 4th. IF that's correct, the eggs would be at day #22 today.
It's hard to believe that not a single one has hatched. No pips that I can see, nor peeping from inside.
She is an excellent mama hen, never has abandoned a nest and never has pushed out a viable egg.
I am really bad at candling.

What do you all think? If I remove the eggs to try candling, I fear it will discourage her and she might leave the nest entirely. I could always just wait but...how long?

Is it a sort of good thing (albeit confusing) that they're all doing/not doing the exact same thing? (meaning it's improbable to get a zero hatch rate)?
Several eggs are teeny tiny ones laid by her daughter (whose eggs are even smaller than Mima's). One egg is the olive egg that I've been hoping will hatch (the one that is 4-ish days behind the others), and there are 2 medium size. She covers them surprisingly well.

Please, anyone who can even guess what to do and how to do it, I need ADVICE, Directions?

Sorry for my long-winded post...Again. I am thankful for any and all replies!!!
Just pulled out 30 more, will post pics tomorrow but I am happy with my largest hatch to date. Congrats to everyone hatching! So much fun to share everyone's stories...

Still a few late comers, but was an amazing hatch. Included is our home flock barnyard mix and some bizarre (NN x Silkie) x (Rock / Barred Rock / New Hampshires). Should be wild to see how the mature. Wishing you all successful hatches!
We're having a troublesome day here in chicken world.
I'm hoping I mis-remembered the day that Mima (broody silkie) started sitting on the eggs, or it's day #22 now.
Late Nov. hatch, she pushed out a couple (I opened and were non-viable by the time she pushed them out). Those eggs were 1 1/2-2 days late too. I decided to sleep on it and woke to 3 beautiful peeping perfect chicks.

IF I remember properly, she began sitting on February 4th. IF that's correct, the eggs would be at day #22 today.
It's hard to believe that not a single one has hatched. No pips that I can see, nor peeping from inside.
She is an excellent mama hen, never has abandoned a nest and never has pushed out a viable egg.
I am really bad at candling.

What do you all think? If I remove the eggs to try candling, I fear it will discourage her and she might leave the nest entirely. I could always just wait but...how long?

Is it a sort of good thing (albeit confusing) that they're all doing/not doing the exact same thing? (meaning it's improbable to get a zero hatch rate)?
Several eggs are teeny tiny ones laid by her daughter (whose eggs are even smaller than Mima's). One egg is the olive egg that I've been hoping will hatch (the one that is 4-ish days behind the others), and there are 2 medium size. She covers them surprisingly well.

Please, anyone who can even guess what to do and how to do it, I need ADVICE, Directions?

Sorry for my long-winded post...Again. I am thankful for any and all replies!!!
And my nerve wracking hatch is complete! I had one egg that had pipped at the wrong end & stalled for more than 30 hours. But low & behold, it finished. I have 4 beautiful ducklings from 7 eggs. The other 3 were late deaths (temp spike last week).
My February babies are growing so fast. Wing feathers are coming in. Tails are showing in a few. Amazing how fast they grow! I have 4 definite frizzles of my 19 chicks. Was hoping for abbot more than that, but will keep fingers crossed that I've got at least one or two pullets out if them!





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