February 2023 hatch-a-long

Are everyone else's hatches going fine?
I hope they are. I'm going to try and wait until day 14 to candle my developing eggs. Also realized I had been washing my hands with cold water and then turning eggs with very cold fingers.😭 Really hoping the 2 Spitzhaubens continue to progress. I also have friends claiming any rooster's so really hoping several make it to hatch. We can't keep roos in our current neighborhood. Trying to move to a rural area but it may be a few years yet.
Not sure how this works as I've never done or joined one before, also don't know if this is for incubating only. But, I have a hen and her eggs are due next week, so i figured for the rest of the time remaining, I'll join in. Specifially, they are on day 14. She has 5 eggs, and I noticed 4 out of the 5 are fertile. Then again all may be its just 1 out of the 5 is a very thick blue shelled ee egg, very hard to candle. The breeds are all barnyard i believe, an ee hen/barnyard roo, 1 faverolles hen/ee roo, 2 red sl/ee roo, and a bantam/barnyard roo. Ill update with a picture of the eggs later.
Starting to see some evidence of development this morning on day 2. Hopefully, I'll have a better idea of how many (7 "homegrown", 15 shipped) are viable in another couple of days. The Marans eggs will be a bit tricky, but I think the NR 360 candler is strong enough for me to see at least some of what's going on inside them.

A few weather models are starting to predict a potential ice storm for the end of next week. :/ I really, really hope they're wrong. I can't afford to replace these shipped eggs if a power outage kills them all.

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