February 2023 hatch-a-long

Is there something wrong with her feet or is she just exhausted and has no strength to stand up properly? My last girl was weak and kept on falling over (mostly on her back) and couldn't get up. Last night she was much better and finally started eating (she couldn't work out how to eat for a while).
Her feet are really turned in/curled and she isn’t standing. If she tries she stumbles and is more on her back hocks.
She also has no feathers on her back/neck and the ones she has seen very sparse and thin.
I’m going to have to sort out a way to section her off in the brooder I think.
The three little Marans chicks have been moved to the brooder and are very happy, healthy, and active. The Ameraucana was DIS - it looks like it tried to pip through a blood vessel.

Not a great hatch rate this go 'round. I'll be cleaning the incubator tonight and re-setting with 22 of my BYM Easter Eggers to see if they do better now that it's a bit later in the year. Shipped chicks coming in next week, too, so it's about to get crowded around here!
Which seller is it?
I got mine here https://m.olx.pl/d/oferta/jaja-kur-australorp-czarny-CID757-IDPJ2Mp.html
Don't recommend though due to low fertility and well, not the eggs I ordered. She has blue ones in the photo, too so I guess those eggs were from them. No splash.
Both chicks are so light in terms of colour. The one that hatched at night has a dark spot on the head but I have no clue if it means anything 🤨
They look quite a bit like “columbian wyandotte” photos on Meyers. A little like their “blue birchen marans” 🤔. It’ll be interesting to see what they are for sure. Id contact the seller and see what the other possibilities are…
The three little Marans chicks have been moved to the brooder and are very happy, healthy, and active. The Ameraucana was DIS - it looks like it tried to pip through a blood vessel.

Not a great hatch rate this go 'round. I'll be cleaning the incubator tonight and re-setting with 22 of my BYM Easter Eggers to see if they do better now that it's a bit later in the year. Shipped chicks coming in next week, too, so it's about to get crowded around here!
Oh you will be busy 😅❤️
You know what? If you incubate newly laid eggs, go for a dry incubation. I was thinking that but didn't do it after all - well on some days i didn't add water to keep it drier and the last days were zero water days after having to increase humidity for the first hatch. Still, there is liquid in the eggs, it comes out when the chick opens it up. Most of them are ok but one DIS (had a really weird looking air cell, like a vertical shape instead of a slope) and one had a problem with a navel. Its in the last photo if somebody doesn't want to look at it. It's dry now and the chick seems fine -quite perky, eating and drinking (that's the brownish one with his almost white friend). There are 2 more babies waiting in the incubator and two more eggs to go (pipped).

The first lot were moved to a brooder and after the initial shock they are enjoing the space 😜 i think I'll change the cardboard box for a bigger one though.


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These will all be in lockdown today. The ones with a 30 on top were set the 30th of Jan. they are on day 18. The ones that were not marked (set date was before the 30th. One has a pip, and one of the dark eggs (frizzle) is in aircell and it is peeping.
I will move from turners.
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Another baby hatched overnight and one is currently starting to zip!! Woohoo! All 4 that looked super strong appear to be hatching. The two that made it to lockdown and DIS were my "maybes" when I first candled. Very slow to develop, very weak veining...I'm surprised they made it to lockdown to be honest. So not too bad, but still only about 50% fertility at the moment.

@dominiquePL they are self-blue (lavender) d'Anvers! Part of the reason for this fertility check was to see who was mating the egg layer. I have a breeding pair of the lavenders and so I know now that they are the only ones currently successful and laying! Yay!

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