February 2023 hatch-a-long

I came to say I had an egg that looked worse than yours and everyone said it wasn't going to do anything...well that little sucker hatched yesterday and is a lively little thing. I am so glad I didn't give up and gave it a chance. Good luck to you and yours!!
Thank you! Nothing has happened with that one yet, but there's still time. I have two that are starting to zip and one pip so far 😁 this is super exciting!
Good thing I didnt discard the Muscovy eggs, the second finally hatched!!!
The first (yellow) we named The Ducktor and the newest is Missy.
This morning is day 20 for 6 eggs. Candled them and 4 you could see beaks and legs in egg air cell. I have plenty of water in the troughs so I gave saftey holes to the ones that had legs and beaks candled.(I dont normally safety hole, but I had 3 in the last hatch that were fully formed, and popped the inner membrane but didn't get past the outer shell.) 2 other eggs on day 20 just had slope. They looked okay, but i did put them in the other incubator with eggs due next week.

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