February 2023 hatch-a-long

You know, there is usually a reason why they don't hatch. Just in case something goes wrong... Still, so difficult to leave them with no help. But with hindsight, I regret I assisted my silkie because i had to cull her later on and it was really tough to

Well it finally hatched after 48 hours. I did have to peel back a little more shell when I saw her struggling to push. She was in a weird position and I'm pretty sure she has splayed legs. (Not sure why I'm calling it a she lol) she seems to be doing ok but we put a little makeshift hobble on her. We'll see how it works! Other than that, she's pretty feisty!
Omg x 2
Well it finally hatched after 48 hours. I did have to peel back a little more shell when I saw her struggling to push. She was in a weird position and I'm pretty sure she has splayed legs. (Not sure why I'm calling it a she lol) she seems to be doing ok but we put a little makeshift hobble on her. We'll see how it works! Other than that, she's pretty feisty!
I had an egg hatch 7 days after rest hatched on time. My broody left the eggs after 11 had hatched, so I scooped up the remaining three and put them in the incubator. Two stopped, but this last one, I could see clear movement, so I left it for a couple days, came home and their was a furball in the bator! It must have been another hen laying an egg in this nest. It was pretty crazy 😯
Day 20 and here's our first pip! I'm very excited :D The air cells had all drawn down when I very cautiously candled last night without moving the eggs - did not draw new lines for obv reasons, but that pip is within the air cell. In fact I suspected this would be the first, because last night I was pretty sure I saw an internal pip.
This egg's label indicates it may be from my favorite Buff Orp, Handbag Hilda, who has that name because her only goal in life is to be tucked into your arm and carried. Everywhere. All the time. I hope the chick got her personality!
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