FEBRUARY Hatch-A-Long 2015:Please Read First Post To Join H-A-L

How many eggs are you hatching??

  • 1-5

    Votes: 10 8.0%
  • 6-10

    Votes: 26 20.8%
  • 11-15

    Votes: 16 12.8%
  • 16-20

    Votes: 19 15.2%
  • 21-30

    Votes: 24 19.2%
  • 31-40

    Votes: 9 7.2%
  • 41 or more

    Votes: 21 16.8%

  • Total voters
Sorry, I missed the PM. Thanks for adding me.

I plan to rotate the eggs a couple of times a day so the ones on the top get a turn in the tray as well. Hopefully they will be fine!
Youre good!!!

Yeah, i have heard of mmerbs from last year that had great success, but i cantr rememer who they were...
I set 60 chicken eggs in my incubator on Jan 26 with hatch date being Feb 16.

Does anyone double stack their turner? If so, was it successful?
I double stacked one of mine last year, it did fine. I had to hand turn the ones on the top though.
Well today was candling day for the 25 due on Feb 10th sadly i am very sure 24 are clear and one is to dark to tell yet I will give them another five or so days them get rid of and clears. Luckily I have another batch to go in tonight so hopefully this one will have something.

I had a similar situation with my eggs 16/41 were clear.. Shocked me as I have two roosters servicing 30+ hens and have had excellent feedback from my buyers as to fertility... Finally figured out the problem, Although my flock free ranges 1/3 acre it wasn't enough room, the dominant roo spent so much time chasing the younger roo neither was doing his job.. Easy to fix, opened up their run and now they have access to an acre, within a week fertility is back up. They can separate with their choice of hens and only are in the same area when I throw out scratch or they head back to roost. I have a leghorn that lays white eggs and she had always been fertile, her egg was my first clue something was amiss as it quit being fertile... Its now fertile again as are a large majority of the eggs. I quit selling hatching eggs for a few weeks but now am back up and running :)

My eggs are on day 13, candled a day early and all 24 look good
Candled my remaining BLRW eggs and I have four that will be in lockdown on Sunday. There's one additional one that just doesn't look right that we'll know more about as time progresses, but for now it can sit in the incubator.

Got 14 White Marans eggs today won at the Crazy 24-hour Auction. The Seller sent a Fort Knox-like box. These eggs were bulletproof! Not a single crack and the air cells look pretty good!
It's a reinforced outer box, newspaper cushioning, inner box, and individual egg cozies.
Mama Saxony duck has been brooding for a couple of days, and is still laying.
She is up to 10 eggs now.
I'm a little concerned that her hatch will be spread out so much that she may leave the nest with what babies she hatches over the course of a day or two, and leaves some viable ones behind. When I candle next week I can hopefully get a feel for whether or not they are all developing at similar rates. I will definitely fire up my incubator on lockdown mode when the first of the eggs pip, so I have a backup if mom decides to head out with half a brood... Just in case.... (Also, I don't quite know what to do with myself when I'm not the one incubating - feeling somewhat inadequate...)

She is very aggressive about defending her nest, and I'm also trying to formulate a game plan for getting the eggs out from under her at night to candle without getting bitten...
Candled my remaining BLRW eggs and I have four that will be in lockdown on Sunday. There's one additional one that just doesn't look right that we'll know more about as time progresses, but for now it can sit in the incubator.

Got 14 White Marans eggs today won at the Crazy 24-hour Auction. The Seller sent a Fort Knox-like box. These eggs were bulletproof! Not a single crack and the air cells look pretty good!
It's a reinforced outer box, newspaper cushioning, inner box, and individual egg cozies.

You are very lucky! I have never seen pipe insulation used...but, it's a great concept and would work well when shipping up North too~ They did do an outstanding wrap job! But, that's something I have noticied about all my purchases on here as opposed to E-Bay...They seller really takes the time to wrap the eggs up and give them the best shot possible for a good hatch~ Good luck with this hatch!

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