FEBRUARY Hatch-A-Long 2015:Please Read First Post To Join H-A-L

How many eggs are you hatching??

  • 1-5

    Votes: 10 8.0%
  • 6-10

    Votes: 26 20.8%
  • 11-15

    Votes: 16 12.8%
  • 16-20

    Votes: 19 15.2%
  • 21-30

    Votes: 24 19.2%
  • 31-40

    Votes: 9 7.2%
  • 41 or more

    Votes: 21 16.8%

  • Total voters
Yes! That egg hatched 2 hours after the chick on the left emerged. They are both happy and healthy (so far!) in their brooder -- moved them after 14 hours, nice and dry.
These are my "fridge egg" birds from a free ranging flock.
The chick pictured is a BRxEE, and the other is EExEE.

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Any Chicks yet?

Good morning...I woke up to 2 belgiums, a fuzzy yellow so new chick and a cheeseburger(Spangled hamburg) this morning. I put them back in the dark so they won't run roughshot on the little ones. The big yellow chick was using the belgium eggs as hopping stones.

I have 5 active pips in there right now. My humidity had dropped to about 45 percent overnight. I went to bed before 9 and got up about 7...I usually fuss on the incubator all night long but poor nights sleeping had taken it's toll on me.
Lockdown was yesterday... But despite *completely* full water trays and plugging the vents, the humidity is hovering between 60-65%. I was thinking it was supposed to be closer to 70? Or am I good? I was using the dry hatch method, hovering between 30-40% most of the time.
Lockdown was yesterday... But despite *completely* full water trays and plugging the vents, the humidity is hovering between 60-65%. I was thinking it was supposed to be closer to 70? Or am I good? I was using the dry hatch method, hovering between 30-40% most of the time.

65% is my personal target at hatch.

Some say as high as you can make it but that didn't work for me. It will spike right up when they start hatching out of their shells anyhow. I bet you are excited~ Next four days are going to be bittersweet.
Medicated feed for 7-10 days, then regular chick feed. Layer pellets around 16 weeks. Coccidiosis is just awful! Never had an issue this way, so I'll stick with a good thing!

I have a pretty strict regiment.. ( I have never had Cocci either) The disease lives in your soil and can live there for up to I was told 7 years. Medicated feed is not a cure and once taken away if there is a problem the disease can infect your flock. I talked to a herbalist because I had a Turkey hen having issues.. She told me that the best natural treatment for a whole host of problems including Worms, internal parasites and yes, Cocci .. I now give it to all my birds once a week

Mix 10-12 drops of Pure Oregano oil in 1/2 cup vegetable or olive oil.. Mix this into about 8 cups of feed, Mix well and add two tbsp. of cayenne pepper, mix again. Pour into feeders.. Of course you can adjust this down for less birds, I have around 55

I also provide organic AVC in one of the waterers..

The hen was back to normal within a few weeks and we have had no other problems. My chicks are kept separate from the adult chickens and until they are on ground that the chickens have trod I don't worry about feeding them this until they are a bit older .
65% is my personal target at hatch.

Some say as high as you can make it but that didn't work for me. It will spike right up when they start hatching out of their shells anyhow. I bet you are excited~ Next four days are going to be bittersweet.

Although to date I haven't tracked my humidity within the bator I agree, 60-65 is a good target and once they start hatching the humidity will go up.

I bought a new bator that is digital for hatching turkeys, it shows me the humidity within the bator, it has been ranging between 39-47 and I am on day 5 .. I am not worried as if that's what its showing that is what it has been for my other hatches.. It will be interesting when I ad the sponges and see if it does indeed take it up to 60-65..

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