FEBRUARY Hatch-A-Long 2015:Please Read First Post To Join H-A-L

How many eggs are you hatching??

  • 1-5

    Votes: 10 8.0%
  • 6-10

    Votes: 26 20.8%
  • 11-15

    Votes: 16 12.8%
  • 16-20

    Votes: 19 15.2%
  • 21-30

    Votes: 24 19.2%
  • 31-40

    Votes: 9 7.2%
  • 41 or more

    Votes: 21 16.8%

  • Total voters
Some were and some were not. Quite honestly if they were double boxed and sent quickly they were in pretty good shape. Anything under 2 days for shipping. Anything that was 3-6 days in shipping really didn't develop and the heat packs are usually gone by then anyhow. Also, how intact the air cell is upon arrival.

I have some right now that were overnighted and almost all of those are in development.
I am in Washington and the eggs are coming from Georgia, so will probably take a couple of days. She has 72hr heat packs. What do you think? should I add them?
I am in Washington and the eggs are coming from Georgia, so will probably take a couple of days. She has 72hr heat packs. What do you think? should I add them?
Pay the extra $10 and have them overnighted. I don't think I would go with heat packs again, personally. But, that is just me.
My lockdown is tomorrow, also. I've just got two eggs going into lockdown and both are iffy shipped eggs with wonky air cells.

Candling is your best way to determine if you have quitters at lockdown. If you have viable veins that you can see (look near air cell) or you can see movement, then don't discard. If you're just not sure, go ahead and leave them in there. At lockdown your egg (well, the part that's not air cell) is going to look very dark because it's mainly chick. There may be a bit of clear fluid up near the top of the egg as the chick still has a couple days of growth left. Be suspicious if you have lots of clear fluid at the small end of the egg.

If in doubt, leave the egg in. Don't sweat lockdown...either they'll hatch or they won't. Remember too that chicks will often take 24 hours from that first external pip to a hatching zip. During this time they're often absorbing the last of their yolk and the blood-filled veins in the membranes are receding, so do not -- repeat DO NOT -- go in and help or you'll have a big mess on your hands and a compromised chick.

Also, don't sweat if your eggs don't hatch exactly on Day 21. Incubator temps can sway a day either way and some breeds are just plain pokey. I've never had a Marans hatch on Day 21, more like Day 22/23 and I've even had a Welsummer hang out until late Day 24 still alive in the shell.

Good luck and happy hatching!
Day 20 here...21 starts tonight...and my hatch rolls onward.  

I finally got my humidity to 65% where i wanted it. Brinsea said to add more evaporating blocks (kinda a big sponge type thing and reduce the air vents)  And I being a rebel hating to open that door unless it's on fire...Went and bought two more humidifiers and made a steam bath for it and reduced the air vents to 1/3 open. I did not want to open that door for anything or close the vents to pinholes.... I have these two svart hona eggs I want to see hatch & chicks need that oxygen!

Hatching tray 1-
My Bama 1's best auction had 13/14 eggs go to lockdown. I have at least 6 hatched already. She's doing something right because I have never seen such good development from shipped eggs.  They are BBO, ST, ST/LB, L, NH

Hatching tray 2-
My SoNew auction crew I sent 23/29 to lockdown. There are several iffy's though because I can not see at all in these eggs. So, I lock them down too!  They are CCL,OE,BCM.  I have at least 3 of these guys who have hatched now! Looks like I am going to have some beautiful chick from her too!

Hatching Tray 3-
I had 8 Americauna I had shipped from MI...4 are in lockdown...4 didn't even start. EBAY

I also had 8 BCM from Fl shipped and all of them developed to lockdown and 6 Blue Isbars...None of them even started. EBAY

Hatching tray 4-
Svart Hona eggs

So, with the hatching trays I can not see into them to see what is going on in the incubator...which is good for keeping your hands off and bad because I feel less involved then when I can hover above it every 15 minutes to check on the progress!
Sounds like your going to have an amazing hatch Purpletie3, goodluck! It's day 19 here all is well and quiet. Hoping to see some pips tomorrow or hear cheeping.
I set 28 Pakistani Asil eggs (a few were Asil x ee crosses) under 2 broodys who were enticed to sit on nests full of gulf balls. I didn't have much hope as far as hatch rate because I live in NE pa and the weather has been atrocious the entire laying/incubating time. My dark Cornish hen hatch 3 of 14, 9 of which never started to develop and the other 2 quit around 2 weeks. My Pakistani hen hatched 4 of 14 before she went all velociraptor on me and I decided to leave her be and stop trying to check her eggs/chicks, so maybe I'll get a few more from her yet :)

Sorry for the bad pics but these girls are more then a little moody right now and not very photogenic.
My lockdown is tomorrow, also. I've just got two eggs going into lockdown and both are iffy shipped eggs with wonky air cells.

Candling is your best way to determine if you have quitters at lockdown. If you have viable veins that you can see (look near air cell) or you can see movement, then don't discard. If you're just not sure, go ahead and leave them in there. At lockdown your egg (well, the part that's not air cell) is going to look very dark because it's mainly chick. There may be a bit of clear fluid up near the top of the egg as the chick still has a couple days of growth left. Be suspicious if you have lots of clear fluid at the small end of the egg.

If in doubt, leave the egg in. Don't sweat lockdown...either they'll hatch or they won't. Remember too that chicks will often take 24 hours from that first external pip to a hatching zip. During this time they're often absorbing the last of their yolk and the blood-filled veins in the membranes are receding, so do not -- repeat DO NOT -- go in and help or you'll have a big mess on your hands and a compromised chick.

Also, don't sweat if your eggs don't hatch exactly on Day 21. Incubator temps can sway a day either way and some breeds are just plain pokey. I've never had a Marans hatch on Day 21, more like Day 22/23 and I've even had a Welsummer hang out until late Day 24 still alive in the shell.

Good luck and happy hatching!

I am grateful I have 100 chicks arriving Tuesday. It will be a welcome distraction from this hatching business!
I am in Washington and the eggs are coming from Georgia, so will probably take a couple of days. She has 72hr heat packs. What do you think? should I add them? 

I'm guessing you are ordering from bargain. I have an order coming from her next week. I was on the fence about the heat pack, but now that I see the weather is predicting lows of 5* next week, I am so glad I got it! Also, FYI, she isn't super familiar with shipping express (which surprised me). And because she adds on handling fees, her shipping costs presented to you will be more than what you find on usps.com. No problem there, people need to make a living... Just wanted you to be aware. :)

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