Feed brands?


Aug 21, 2019
Looking for an all flock feed for our six girls! All but two are 19 weeks! The chicks are about 10 weeks and have starter crumble available to them in a seperate area. I have tried a mix of grains and pellets from small pet select but they pick and choose the grains out of it and leave the pellets. We have a seperate bowl with grit and I have been also wondering if I should offer a bowl of scratch with their main feed? Any advice or product suggestions would be so helpful! Thanks y’all!
They can all have starter. You need to provide a dish of oyster shell for your older pullets. Scratch isn’t necessary, they’ll probably eat that first and not get any nutrition from their formulated feed. If you still want all flock it’ll be helpful to know what country you’re in, as brands differ country to country.
They can all have starter. You need to provide a dish of oyster shell for your older pullets. Scratch isn’t necessary, they’ll probably eat that first and not get any nutrition from their formulated feed. If you still want all flock it’ll be helpful to know what country you’re in, as brands differ country to country.
Thank you so much! We are in Southern California
Yes, use up your starter first.
I give all chickens of all ages Purina Flock Raiser. Makes it easy. There are other brands of all flock feed. There is oyster shell on the side, those who need it will take it.
An all flock feed, or an unmedicated starter, with oyster shell separate, and grit also separate. I feed Purina Flock Raiser all year to everyone, with that separate oyster shell.
Buy what's fresh at your feed store (not the pets store if there's a choice!) according to the mill date on each bag. The 'best brand' will vary depending on location and freshness. Feeds with whole grains do tend to be eaten selectively, not a good thing.
I like to use the feed within eight or nine weeks of it's mill date.
Scratch and other treats are not to be out there all the time! You bring a bit out, call them, and toss enough to be cleaned up in a few minutes. Cookie time!

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