Feed broody hen?

Chicken Woman

Incredible Egg
11 Years
Oct 16, 2008
I have a broody that I got some fertile eggs for her to sit on . She is in the garage in a x-large dog crate where it is warmer. My coop is not insulated and it is pretty cold here.

Should I be feeding her any differently than the other hens?
They get layer crumbles,grit,oyster shell,scratch w sunflower seeds,oatmeal,greens and sometimes yogurt.
When my hen went broody I fed her the same as the others sometimes I had to hand feed her ....I would place a small bowl of water and feed close to her....Good Luck ! It's exciting !
I feed my broody hens the chick starter. It is easier for them to eat and has plenty of good stuff in it. Though I make my own, it is still the same consistency as commercial starter and full of the same nourishment. Since they usually only eat once a day, they need as much good stuff in their body as they can get and that is what starter does. Packs a punch in a small way.
I didn't like my birds to eat anything they needed for laying since their body is doing a different job when sitting on eggs. I adjust my feeding according to what they are doing like pets, breeders or layers and of course, broodies and mamas.

I also give them scrambled or hard boiled egg a few times a week. I wouldn't worry about the weather if she is in an enclosed garage.
I would think feeding her the same would be just fine. I did spoil mine a little though while she was broody!
Mine had their regular rations available when they'd get off the nest for their daily break. If I gave treats to the others I'd be sure to take some to the broody so she wouldn't miss out. Other than that I didn't really go to any extra trouble for them.
They will not require much feed since they are setting and inactive. Mine would leave nest at least once a day to poop and get a drink and eat just a few bites of layer pellet feed.

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