feed date code translation


10 Years
Mar 10, 2012
I just bought some chick crumbles and I cannot figure out the date, and the TSC workers could not either. It says lot# 16124058-18 so they were guessing 24 May 2018 but weren't sure. That seems way too close to be possible.

The feed is "Nature's Best organic chick starter and grower crumbles 18%" manufactured by Kreamer Feed.

I tried to search both on Google and here for this info, so sorry if it's repeated.
One person told me there was no chick grower left. Another scanned the barcode and found it, then tried to google the date code and couldn’t find it. I found another type of chick starter/grower that was dated from feb 2017 to dec 2016 and the guy claimed I must be reading it wrong because he knows that wouldn’t be safe.

I will try calling the manufacturer tomorrow.
He claimed I could return it if it was over 90 days. I will try, see what happens. I have only 3 chickens so there’s no way they’ll finish it in a month, and that’s expensive organic fertilizer.

I wonder if they’re more careful with their dog food?
TSC SHOULD have a list of the Man date codes and how to read them.

I questioned my place and he brought out a list of about 4-6 pages stapled together. Just of chicken feed. Had a list of all the makers and dates. Some are not easy to understand, others are easy.
Ask for the Master sheet, tell them they DO have it and who ever is the buyer at the store would most likely have it.
Most will put an actual date on either the guaranteed analysis tag or on the seal strip on the bottom of the bag. However some use the Julian date as Cindy noted. ADM's Pen Pals line of feed uses the Julian date.
I found some organic feed at my Farm&Home store that was over a year old.
I found my TSC to be pretty good about rotating feed to keep it fairly fresh.
My local feed store doesn't replace feed till it sells. My area has mostly hen keepers so they only sell lots of starter in the spring. If you try to buy starter there in December, it will be very old.
I was about to buy a vitamin/electrolyte mix at the same store till I checked the expiration date. It had expired 2 years earlier. I told them about it. They said they knew. A year later, the same packages were still on the shelf. 3 years expired :barnie
This is the way Nature's Best dates their bags-058-18 is the 3 digit day & two digit year code at the end of the run of numbers on the tag. I always have today's date in my head when I go & of course go backward to ascertain the date of manufacture.
I agree but I feel it is incumbent on me to explain to management why I'm not buying that or perhaps any other product again. Perhaps that will change their practices and protect the unenlightened.
They are relying on people not knowing enough to read the ingredient tag and the mill date.
When I was buying an organic feed from our co-op, I called around to compare prices, I also asked for the mill date. There's a 'go to' feed mill for most chicken keepers around here. The feed I was looking for was over 6 months old. (for feed that was $29 for a 50 lb. bag) When I called them on it, their response was that grains can last years. My reply was, "Yes, whole grains can but ground grains and vitamin/amino supplements can't."

I guess I should post that on our chicken meetup group.
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