Feed molded on bottom


7 Years
Mar 1, 2012
Okay I had a bag of starter grower and had started mixing a little sweet feed (brought it down from 20 to 17 or 18% protein cause the chicks are old enough and to help extend feed..) so had about 10 lbs in the bottom of the bag so was just gonna add some to the bag and then I started to roll it around. I noticed the bottom seam had some black spots so I stopped and reached into the bottom found some chuncks (some with mold some without) so I don't have money to waste feed (who does) but do I dare feed even the unchunky stuff since I had mixed it around (the chuncks where stuck to the bottom but...

I've got some 12% all stock (it wasn't being fed as a sole food more of a treat) feed store said they have more s/g in on Friday (my chicks and ducks are all between 6 and 9 weeks) would they be ok on that for a few days?
I have had this happen with almost every feed bag I get. I always feed the non chunky feed as long as it doesn't have any signs of the actual mold on it. I think the 12 stock could possibly be used temporarily until you can get new feed but I'm not sure.
My gut reaction would be to say 'no' to the molded feed... chickens can handle a lot, but moldy feed kills a lot of them every year. I guess it is at your own risk-- is it worth the risk to you? I understand not wanting to waste feed-- my feed costs are very high-- but my birds health is worth more than that to me.

Whatever you decide, I hope everything works out okay!
I would not risk feeding them from the bag with mold. The birds can be quite sensitive to mold, it could even kill them depending on the type of mold. All stock probably does not have the right vitamin and mineral balance for birds, so I don't know how it would affect them. But if your young birds have can get some access to coarse sandy soil for some grit, then they can graze on non treated grass and weeds - that could supplement their diets.
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If I hadn't rolled the bag around I would probably use more of it... I mean other than what I pulled out of the bottom of the bag it looks fine... Why heck did I not just keep mixing small batches as needed (oh cause I'm going out of town for the weekend and didn't want anyone to get mixed up.

So would they be good on the 12% for about a week until I can buy more starter Grower?
They would survive on it, but there is a price. The lower protein will have a negative effect on their growth. If you can find away to raise the the amount of protein they eat it will help.
I'm not talking about keeping them on that, I'm talking about3 or 4 days until I get paid and the feed store gets in my feed.
i would never feed them mouldy food

what i do is use plastic barrels

and any bread that i grind has a bit of moisture so after grinding i let it dry out

so how i do that is to put it into tarp woven bags

the ones they use for flour and wheat

they are breathable so they dry out the bread and dont culture any mould
Moldy feed can cause sour crop, which can kill. NEVER, ever feed moldy feed. Even the bags of feed have warnings printed on them about that.

I've lost birds to feed that had mold at the bottom (didn't catch it in time--was moldy from a flood at the co-op where I buy it, bag was plastic so they didn't find it to throw it out and sold it).
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