Feed or Heat?


Aug 5, 2021
It's been a pretty hot and humid summer here in FL. Typical. But I have a lot of new layers (this is their first summer) and they have slowed laying to a crawl. I also changed their feed 2 months ago from that box store brand PP to Dumor... So is my problem the feed or the heat? No, they are molting and everyone is eating extremely well. Fresh water and electrolyte water both available. Any thoughts?
It's been a pretty hot and humid summer here in FL. Typical. But I have a lot of new layers (this is their first summer) and they have slowed laying to a crawl. I also changed their feed 2 months ago from that box store brand PP to Dumor... So is my problem the feed or the heat? No, they are molting and everyone is eating extremely well. Fresh water and electrolyte water both available. Any thoughts?
I'm also here in FL, and my production has also fallen off the last week / ten days. Older birds, no feed changes. And the last week has been cooler, 5-10 degrees, belowe the rest of the summer, when production was much better.

My best guess is "neither".

That said, I could be COMPLETELY wrong. But you aren't alone in your observation.

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