Feed Plan - Issues?

That information is essential for vegetarians that want to live a long healthy life. It can be done but difficult. The vegans I know that aren't healthy don't do their due diligence. I'm often surprise to meet people that appear extremely vibrant and healthy to find out that they're vegetarian.

The national dish of Costa Rica is Gallo Pinto. It's rice and beans. It is served with every meal. At breakfast with lots of fresh fruit and perhaps an egg. At lunch with more fruit a vegetable and perhaps a bit of chicken. Dinner pretty much the same thing. Gallo Pinto, fruit, veggies and a bit of meat.
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Thanks. The straws in a bucket analogy makes perfect sense. I'll search for these requirements and make sure I'm not missing something.
If I have an amino acid measurement of X mg / g N, what is the percentage of the amino acid relative to the total? For example, wheat has, on average, 277 mg Arginine per mg N**, and wheat is 13% protein. What percentage of the total is comprised of arginine?

Thanks. Math brain no workey now. :(

** See averages on Table III here: http://www.aaccnet.org/publications/cc/backissues/1965/Documents/chem42_140.pdf

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