Feed quantity


Apr 29, 2021
I'm planning to build one of those no waste feeders made from a Rubbermaid barrel and 8 pvc holes for the hens' heads. Questions I have are, 1) do the chickens eat more because there is so much food available at one time? I kinda want to fill it and forget it for a while but NOT buy more food because of it. Right now I use 2 red scoopers full of feed in two long gutters attached to the coop sides, per day. They also get some free range time, along with some food scraps.
I have 17 hens, so 2) will these 8 openings in the Rubbermaid barrel be enough for them, without fighting? Lastly, 3) what is otherwise the proper qty of feed for 17 hens daily? Like I said, my measurement is based on the red livestock scoop typically used. Thanks all.
Most chickens of most breeds will regulate their own caloric intake, allowing you to leave feed available for them at all times. Cornish X, however, are famed for eating themselves (potentially) to literal death. That trait has been encouraged in them, to get them to table weight as fast as possible - but most will end up as overweight couch potatoes in 8 weeks, not part of your mortality count. Most.
Your average chicken eats between 3-4 ozs of feed daily, so 4-5 pounds a day. I have a metal livestock scoop, I'm not sure how much it holds, 2 pounds? Its volume doesn't equate to weight.
Most chickens of most breeds will regulate their own caloric intake, allowing you to leave feed available for them at all times. Cornish X, however, are famed for eating themselves (potentially) to literal death. That trait has been encouraged in them, to get them to table weight as fast as possible - but most will end up as overweight couch potatoes in 8 weeks, not part of your mortality count. Most.
That's pretty reassuring about the self regulating...I've been trying to reduce my feed cost and useage, sure don't wanna increase it because I change feeders. I go back to seasonal work in January, 4 days a week, 12 hrs per day. That feeder and my 45 gal drum waterer, as well as my auto door, will keep me from worrying so much about their every need. I can do a brief check in the morning and a headcount at night but not have to worry about getting dirty or having to feed and water.

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