Feed question


13 Years
May 21, 2008
I did a search but did not see the answer. I have 10 meaties coming tomorrow and I want to purchase 50lb bags of feed in advance. How many will it take to get to butchering age for 10 of them? Thanks in advance! Oh, also the only feed carried around here for the broilers is either gamebird at 25% protein(15.50 a bag)or turkey starter at 24% (17.00 a bag) will this work just fine or will I have to use flockraiser at 20% (17.00 a bag) Yes feed is outrageous where I live!
Wilco is selling Flock Raiser for broilers, 20%. They are charging me $14 for 50 lbs. I have 9 cornish cross (lost one in first 2 weeks.) I just opened the forth or fifth bag. (have to look in my pile of reciepts to be sure.) They are just 8 weeks now.

about the protein, I an way far from knowing enough to offer advice.

ETA: the regular flock raiser that is. I tell them I have the usual cornish cross meat birds and ask for broiler grower, and that is what they say to use. It is the same, 20%, as I am getting in the Broiler Grower from the other feed store in town.

ETA2: These are in a smallish box-barn thing with a small run that I move once a week or so. They dont get out and about much, lol.
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Thanks, that does help. Hopefully someone will pipe in with the protein question. This is my first time raising meaties, I really should have waited for cooler weather but I felt like it was now or never.
Of the three you mentioned the turkey starter is best. It contains almost double the vitamins/minerals of the other two, you will get the best feed to gain ratio with that. CXs need the extra nutrients due to their rapid growth rate.
Thank you, I just wish I could find a cheaper source of Turkey starter. What if I mixed the two equally, would that work? TIA
I have seven CX's that are 6 weeks old. I have gone through 150lbs so far. But, I've also have 11 pekins (lost one at about two weeks) that are four weeks old, plus four regular chickens, a few tiny bantam chicks, a dozen ducklings for a few days, etc. So, maybe 100lbs?
Are you going to free range or tractor them? That cuts down on your feed costs considerable. I wouldn't mix them, but it is up to you. You know what your situation is better than any of us. No matter what you feed them you'll get there.

CXs can eat way more than they need, all that excess feed just flows through their systems unused. After 10 to 14 days old give them what they can eat up in 30 to 45 minutes 3 times a day--early AM--3PM--8PM. Get them out on the grass as soon as you can and you will end up with the same size bird as the bird that had all they wanted to eat all day long becomes. There is no reason why you can't get 1 pound of gain for every 2 pounds of feed consumed by them. Figure approximately 14-15 pounds of feed per bird this way.
Unfortunately I live where there is no "grazing" grass. Ideally I would love to rotate them on pasture but that is not an option. I thought I would keep a flake of fresh alfalfa for them to munch on along with some grit. They are going in a permanent tractor made with hog panels and hardware cloth.
*eta I forgot to mention I was going to do 12 on food 12 off as others have mentioned.
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My CX have just consumed their first 150 lbs and they are 6 weeks old. I pull feed at 10pm and put it back at 7am. They are the "slow" variety but seem to be quite large. Maybe I'm just getting a good conversion?

The first 100 of the 150 was 24% turkey starter and the last 50# was 20% protein flockraiser. They seemed to prefer the 20% feed when both were available.

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