Feed them "Chinese apricots"?

Coop Deville

7 Years
Mar 19, 2012
An odd question:

These orange-yellow fruits grow on the trees bordering my backyard in abundance. Since I was little I've always heard them referred to as "Chinese apricots." I pick some and eat them from time to time. Each fruit is about 2 inches long and has a sweet, citrusy taste. A picture is below.

Question: Can I throw a few of these in the chicken yard from time to time as a treat for them? There are lots and lots of these fruits around. The chickens love the "traditional" fruit scraps I feed them (strawberry tops, etc.), and probably would like these, too, but I don't want to throw anything in there that's dangerous. Wondering if anyone else knows about this kind of fruit.

Those aren't Chinese Apricots. We had one of those trees in our backyard in Texas, but I cannot recall what it was.

I agree with the above post - that isn't a Chinese apricot...I don't know what is?
Except for the leaves they almost look like a pawpaw but I doubt it. It would seem that if it is a fruit and you eat it, your chickens could?? But don't go by me - as I said, I don't know what that is in the picture.
Update: A neighbor identified the plants as loquots, and apparently they are fine to eat. In fact, people make jelly out of them.
Loquats are an Apricot like fruit often served in Chinese restaurants. Probably reasonable to call them Chinese Apricots. Feed some to your chickens but eat some yourself, they're delicious.

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