Feeder and waterer in the coop or run


8 Years
May 4, 2016
U.P. Michigan
Hello. I was wondering if I should only feed and water my chickens in the run. I am planning on my girls being free-range during the day and bringing them in at night. Locking them in the coop at dark. Is it ok if I don't have a feeder and waterer in the coop itself? I may have to put the feeder and waterer in the coop in the worst part of winter. We have gotten to -30 degrees quite a few times in the winter here in the U.P. But normally, is it best to not have those in the coop? Btw...we have PVC feeders also bucket nipple waterers.
I think it depends. Knowing your coop/flock size situation from the other thread, I think you would be fine putting them in the coop.

I prefer keeping them in the run because it is easier access. They also do a lot more pooping in the coop than in the run and I'd prefer to keep as much of that out of the feed as possible!

As for winter, -30F is pretty cold. If you only get a few nights that cold, you may just want to bring the bucket inside your house for the night. Here is the bucket heater I have used for 2 winters now down to about -9F. Others have used it down to -30F, some have had no problems, others have had icing up issues. This is with horizontal nipples. The vertical nipples freeze too easily in my experience. Also, you're better off for winter to install the horizontal nipples about 3 inches up from the bottom edge of the bucket...this allows the heat rising from the bucket heater to rise up and better keep the nipples thawed. Or so I've heard...I've not had issues with them only at 1.5" up, but it doesn't get as cold here as for you.

http://www.amazon.com/dp/B002QXN1H8/ref=twister_B002QXN1I2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 (actually the price now is the best I've seen ever) Remove the floater ring so it sits on the bottom of the bucket. I've had bad experience using a submersible aquarium heater...it nearly started a fire. This K&H heater is MUCH safer...it turns off automatically when it loses contact with water, unlike the aquarium one that was supposed to do the same thing.
I think it depends. Knowing your coop/flock size situation from the other thread, I think you would be fine putting them in the coop.

I prefer keeping them in the run because it is easier access. They also do a lot more pooping in the coop than in the run and I'd prefer to keep as much of that out of the feed as possible!

As for winter, -30F is pretty cold. If you only get a few nights that cold, you may just want to bring the bucket inside your house for the night. Here is the bucket heater I have used for 2 winters now down to about -9F. Others have used it down to -30F, some have had no problems, others have had icing up issues. This is with horizontal nipples. The vertical nipples freeze too easily in my experience. Also, you're better off for winter to install the horizontal nipples about 3 inches up from the bottom edge of the bucket...this allows the heat rising from the bucket heater to rise up and better keep the nipples thawed. Or so I've heard...I've not had issues with them only at 1.5" up, but it doesn't get as cold here as for you.

http://www.amazon.com/dp/B002QXN1H8/ref=twister_B002QXN1I2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 (actually the price now is the best I've seen ever) Remove the floater ring so it sits on the bottom of the bucket. I've had bad experience using a submersible aquarium heater...it nearly started a fire. This K&H heater is MUCH safer...it turns off automatically when it loses contact with water, unlike the aquarium one that was supposed to do the same thing.
Yah the feeder or waterer in the coop seems like a personal choice with peeps. I really would like to have less mess in the coop with the food and water and keep em outside in the run. Plus if they free range all day...i dunno how much they will really eat out of the feeders.
We do have bucket waterers that are horizontal nipples. Thanks so much for the reference on heater for the waterer. We get so much snow out here that they won't be free ranging in the winter. That is why our coop and run are underneath our awning of our pole barn, even though they both have roofs. It's better shade and cooler with less sun in summer and less wind in winter. Probably get some snow in the run, but not as much as everywhere else on our property. I guess I will wait and see how it goes. In the case of all other seasons...i think i will leave food and water in the run.
I have food and water available all the time, and won't be out there at dawn every day to supply it, so it's in the coop. In winter, the water is heated, in the coop. If you are out there every morning when they wake up, or if the run is also predator proof, so the coop door is open at night, that's great. Mary
I put mine out in the run. But my run is predator proof I have some messy little pullets so the food that they grow around when they war doesn't go to weast

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