feeder ideas


In the Brooder
Feb 27, 2016
I am looking for an idea to make a feeder for my chickens i have 8 laying hens and the layer crumble seems to just vanish. I have went through almost 50 pounds in two weeks of havjng these hens. I dont know if this is normal or im giving to much and they just scratch it all away. Ideas?
Thank you i got these hens from my dad and he claimed that he used 100 pounds of layer in a month for 25 hens so i figured there was something going on
I figured out how in going to make the feeder its a bucket with a pan bolted to it and several holes thats about 1 inch to try to keep the level in the pan low enough to prevent waste
You should figure that an adult hen is going to eat around 0.3 lbs of feed every day. Your 8 hens should be going through about 2.4 lbs each day or 17 lbs in a week. Their intake is going to fluctuate a little depending on the weather, but that should give you a good idea for how much feed your hens need.
I made a feeder from a 2.5 gallon bucket it hold around 10 or 15 pounds of feed they arent wasyimg any and seem much more active and laying better so im going to assume they are actually getting what they need and not wasting it all
I'm trying to get my birds to eat the feed. They would rather scratch for bugs or eat seed. How do I get them to eat feed?
What are you using pellets or crumbles? If you are using pellets try crumbles my chickens wont eat anything other than crumbles

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