Feeding 8 week old chicks and laying hens together


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 28, 2013
Hi all
I have 5 laying hens and just purchased 4 chicks which are 8 weeks old. I have them in the same run with a divider. My layers I am feeding laying pellets and the chicks are on unmedicated grower mash. I what to let them run together and have tried but the chicks go to eat the laying pellets and have read it is no good for them. So how or what can I feed them together as they will soon outgrow there space and need to put them together. Can I feed the layers the grower mash. Thanks
Fogot to mention that I let my layers out to free range all day.
I know people who have put all their chickens on layer feed in that situation. It depends on if you just want to feed your flock a straight feed like starter/grower or layer pellets or if you want to make your own mix with grains you have available locally. One thing I would do is feed all the birds fermented feed, which ever I chose. But I do know of people who have fed layer to all their chickens with no negative effects.
I have always fed layer to everybody. But then I lost one beloved pet non-layer to liver disease.(possibly 2, I'm not sure what killed the second one), which can be caused by too much calcium in the feed. I have now switched over to Nutrena All-Flock and free choice calcium oyster shells on the side.

Are the chicks for eggs or meat? If they are for meat you don't need to worry, because the calcium-induced liver disease takes a long tome to develop.

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