Feeding basics, new to ducks!

He's a call duck, one day old. He's a tiny guy! I see what you mean on the larger crumbles, we play a game I like to call "nom-nom-PTOOEY". He'll voraciously attack a crumb, then shake his head and fling it away a good 6-12 inches away! I try to break them apart with my fingers but he doesn't go for the smaller crumb.

Okay, yeah some of the wee ones can struggle a bit.. you could try breaking it down more or perhaps another brand? I do know i have found crumb sizes vary loads.
My Mallards eat scratch, cracked corn, watermelon, cat food, and their favourite treat is mealworms and cherrios..lol
thats not a very balanced diet...all those things are treats(except the cat food...dont think cat food is good for ducks) ducks should get some type of feed to act as the base of their diet and then they can have some treats on the side
I wouldn't expect a day old (or a couple day old) duckling to eat much, so don't freak out quite yet. I noticed that mine mostly play with their food if they notice it at all. They will start eating soon.
what would you recommend as a more balanced diet?

i fiqured the feed i buy from the agriculture store here was good for them? and the cat food as a treat as I read on here one ladys duck eats all the cats food that she puts out for her cat. lol..
I am also having trouble finding which feeds as there are so many different pieces of advice. I do know that 1 week old ducklings need a higher
amount of protein - 18-20 %. I don't start crumb until they are 1-2 weeks old, but then they start to go mad looking for protein and break out of
their pen to find insects etc with muscovy. I think she helps them break out.
the first week I put them on uncle tobys traditional oats with warm water in a mash. this seems to get them through to the next stage when they can
eat chicken starter. I also have used turkey starter, but this is medicated. I get confused with whether to medicate or not.

My ducklings are khaki campbells. found them out in the paddock this 5am this morning with the muscovy. Yeaa....

but i agree it is confusing as chick food producers don't really take ducks into consideration.
Oh, and I have read they don't eat the first day, has something to do with their egg reserves, so yes, if they are in a cage outside,
as mine are, I see them start to find little insects about. they do need water.

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