Feeding guinea keets


10 Years
Jun 23, 2009
Thorn Hill, TN
We bought ten guinea keets today. I've been doing some research and have found that guinea keets should have a high protein feed but can eat medicated chick crumbles. What do YOU feed your keets?
I don't seem to have the issues with cocci so I start mine on 26% game bird.

It is always possible to add Corrid or Amprol to their feed or waterers if cocci is an issue.
They can eat the chick feed but will grow faster on the higher 26-30% I feed purina game bird startna to my baby guineas, turkeys and pheasants, it is 30%.
Thanks for the replies. The highest protein I could find at Tractor Supply was 24% Dumor starter. The bag says it is for turkeys, quail, pheasants etc. I bought a 50 lb bag so I guess that's what these keets will be eating for quite a while.
i buy gamebird starter at the co-op. 26 percent protien. i mix it with chick starter to feed my chicks and feed straight to the keets. chicks dont eat as much and grow much alot faster.
The first week I use the Dumor from Tractor Supply at 24 percent then the following week I switch them to a 28 percent Game Bird Starter. The only reason I feed the Dumor is that it is ground up a little more so they can eat it better. Keets can make it on a lower percent feed but you can really tell the difference in size by even age 4 weeks.
great thanks sooo much for all the help , i will follow your recipe
& get my guiena keets some game bird starter,
, we just got 8 pearl keets tonight , hoping they will help alert us to any snakes in our yard ,we just saw a diamond back rattler(( a baby ) snake & dont want any trouble from those snakes
so thanks again
...!!! and wow you have 100 guineas..? geee are they very loud...?

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