Feeding My Chicks Scrambled Eggs


5 Years
Apr 10, 2014
I have three beautiful little baby chicks. They are a a few days away from 3 weeks old. Just wondering if it would be okay to feed them scrambled eggs. They've had oatmeal before and loved it. Just curious about the eggs though. I've seen a lot of posts about it but would love to know about it first-hand.

Thanks, Rachel.

My chicks were 1 week old today and I gave them their first scrambled egg. One of them finally got up enough courage to grab a piece and started running and they all gave chase. My daughter wants to name the 10 pullets with Disney character names so I decided she could be Meredith from Brave. I waited a bit but no one else seemed brave enough to give it a go. I went to Lowe's to get some stuff for the coop and when I came back all the egg was gone. They also got to go outside for the first time today.
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Definitely! I've fed all of my hens scrambled eggs when they were chicks. They practically inhaled it! Although the idea of it may seem a little wrong, scrambled eggs are very good for them!
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