Feeling defeated, Lost another hen today.

True, what everyone has said. Chickens die, this is a fact of life. If you beat yourself up every time you lose one, pretty soon you will not keep chickens any more, it will be too painful. I mourn my losses when they happen, but I try to remind myself that once they are dead they are no longer suffering, they are at rest. This comforts me. I have been young and now I am old. I have lost not only chickens but well-loved dogs and even human companions. This has given me perspective. I agree with the child quoted above. The best way to celebrate the life of a beloved pet, be it chicken, cat, or dog, is to get another one. The joy of watching a new life grow helps to heal the saddest heart. It does for me anyway. Blessings to you. ❤️
I lost my hen, Moira today. What started as vent gleek turned into sour crop. I tried everything I knew to do for her. I've only had chickens for 4 years and this is my fourth loss. I've lost 2 to predation and now 2 to illness. I just feel like I'm doing something wrong. My chickens free range which I know comes with added risks. Something could get them, they could get into something or eat something they shouldn't. But I want them to be happy and have space to explore and forage and I always considered quality of life more important than quantity. But I feel so guilty that I've lost so many. I'm just tired that of there being only one vet in town that sees chickens and you can never get in with them, I'm tired of having an arsenal of meds and treatments and still not being able to save them, I'm tired of feeling like a terrible chicken keeper. Please someone tell me I'm not alone here, that these kinds of loses happen.
I know how heartbroken it is. I just lost my favorite BO yesterday (about 25 hours ago). She was 3 years, 4 months and 7 days old. I tried to make a short video but couldn't bring myself to do it during grieving... I can't tell you how much self-doubt and regret for things I'd done to help/save her. A friend of mine told me to be nice to myself.

I lost another hen to a pair of bobcats. Hawks, racoon and coyote have stopped by but weren't successful. But the gals enjoy the freedom. I believe their lives are better with the environment you/I provide than alternatives. Hope this helps.

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