Feeling like a bad duck momma and need ideas


12 Years
May 13, 2011
North Alabama
my muscovies and a friends abandoned their covered wind proof coop when the weather first dropped and moved to our ponds.... I do have a tiny island in mine but there were 9 birds trying to use it ( one is missing of late, and one is in the hoop coop sitting on eggs). last night it got down to 9 degrees and with wind chill, it was negative. I felt bad so instead of making them come to the coop for breakfast, I took a scoop down to the pond. The juveniles ( about 10 weeks) who dont have all their feathers in, had iced tails and other icicles on them. The adults seemed to have faired better with a full set of feathers. one of the little girls was dancing as she ate (cold feet?) although the adult drake had no problem moving to the stock pond for a swim. they have a pallet shelter at the pond but I dont think anyone uses it at night as there is no back door.

Not sure if there s anything more I can or shoud do for them.those icicles just made me feel so bad.
So they have a run but they aren't using it?

If so I would try to get them to go to the run, especially the young ones. And lock them in at night.
They have an 8X8 hoop coop and free range, during the summer they returned to the hoop coop at night, at least the adults... the 4 young ones, momma took them to the pond on Day 1 and they only come to the coop to eat once they got big enough for the cats to ignore them... keeping 9 ducks in a 8X8 for multiple days is tough on them, especially with a sitting hen. Sometimes they go in the guinea or chicken runs to eat during the day and I cant lock them in when that happens as that would prevent the chickens or guineas getting into their zones and unfortunately I cant get them to come eat nearer sunset when I could lock them in for the night only.

everyone free ranges during the day on 15 acres
Sounds like you are in a less than ideal situation either way. Mine are in a small shed right now also. I have 7 as 1 recently passed. They are missing some feathers from an attack so they would be in a similar situation as your ducklings that aren’t fully feathered. They are getting a little restless however I know it’s best for the short term since it’s supposed to get down to 0 degrees today. Is there any way you can partition the sitter off from the rest?
If you have a space issue I would look at downsizing or getting more space for them. For now I would get the juveniles in, if they come to thr hoop coop before sunset lock them in. If it stays these temps and they are out there chances are the young ones will start dropping like flies
:goodpost: I agree, the little ones need to be a priority in getting them to stay in the coop. I know you are worried about them so just try your best!:hugs
Sounds like you are in a less than ideal situation either way. Mine are in a small shed right now also. I have 7 as 1 recently passed. They are missing some feathers from an attack so they would be in a similar situation as your ducklings that aren’t fully feathered. They are getting a little restless however I know it’s best for the short term since it’s supposed to get down to 0 degrees today. Is there any way you can partition the sitter off from the rest?
the plan wasn't to have 4 additional birds this winter but the one hen had a late clutch. And until 2 months ago, everyone came back to the coop at night... it seems all the local muscovies flew thee coop at the same time, and this is a much colder winter than usual
And you have more hatching? that is really going to complicate matters. Those babies I would be very worried about. I could never leave my Muscovy's out over night they'd be eaten with in a night or 2.
the pond out front doesnt have much predator activity and my predator lights seem to deter them pretty well. THey have the pond to go out on as well as a number of trees nearby

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