Fellow Texans, how do you feel about....

I don't have a cedar allergy, which is amazing since I'm allergic to so much, but I feel for you. I see what it does to people and it's not pretty! The red faces, watery eyes and sneezing....whew!
Thanks Bronc, now I know why it makes me feel that way. tens months of the year I don't mind the shrubby green things, but now.......DEATH TO CEDAR!!!!!!!!! Actually I'm better today with a little more humidity in the air. I worked for a company that made allery shots, and one of my jobs was checking in the "raw materials". The allergens for the shots come in huge gallon jars and have to be checked for contaminants, i.e. other pollen. Everytime I opened one the the cedar pollen jars, a small voice in the back of my head would go "I could take out the entire building with this stuff, they'd never know what hit them"
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