Female Duck is Drooling and Listless!


In the Brooder
Mar 13, 2016
Coeur d'Alene
My 3 month old female khaki campbell has been acting listless. She didn't follow the flock out of the pond, just sat there quiet and still. She also has thick clear liquid occasionally coming from her mouth. I gave her a good check over and she seemed fine, nothing in her mouth or stuck in her throat. Her vent is clean. Please help! Thank you.
My 3 month old female khaki campbell has been acting listless. She didn't follow the flock out of the pond, just sat there quiet and still. She also has thick clear liquid occasionally coming from her mouth. I gave her a good check over and she seemed fine, nothing in her mouth or stuck in her throat. Her vent is clean. Please help! Thank you.

Can you post a picture of her? How about a vet, is that an option?

Can you post a picture of her? How about a vet, is that an option?

Unfortunately we don't have a vet that treats poultry or any kind of birds near us. She looks completely normal, bright eyed, nothing coming from her nose. It was even difficult to tell her from my other 2 girls. I was doing some more searching and I'm wondering if it could be dehydration or over heating. We have a med. Sized pond that is fresh creek fed, but it gets really muddy. They didn't want to go into their coop to get fresh water though. And it was 100 degrees today... what do you think? I also saw her eat and drink. She took the food but it seemed to kind of "slip" out the side of her mouth, same with the water. She swishes her beak in it, but doesn't lift her head to get a real drink. Her stool was normal as well. Sorry this was so long, just wanted to give as much info as possible. Just wondering if you have any advice! Thanks much!
Did she eat something toxic? Could be botulism. In that case, I would give her some charcoal slurry.

Sometimes people don't get notices when another person responds to their thread....so I was just checking by tagging you using the @

Here is a sticky - sometimes I just add a tablespoon of food grade activated charcoal powder to a quart of water and leave that as their drinking water overnight.

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Sorry for the confusion. Looks wise she is normal. No abnormal physical appearance, except for the occasional drool from the corner of her mouth. Her behavior is what is different. Sluggish, sleepy (closing her eyes) not wanting to stick with the flock. She also seems to be having trouble with things sticking to the side of her beak. For example she was grazing and she has grasses sticking to the drool on her beak.
She may have eaten something toxic - or she could have a systemic infection - those are the two things I think are most likely, please keep us posted, I would start immediately with treatment. You are the one with her, so it's your instincts that need to be your guide as to whether you will start treating for toxicity or infection.
Thanks both for the concern and advice. I put her in a my quaertine coop, gave her the charcoal, and watched her. This morning she seems much better is eating and drinking normally and generally making a ducky racket! Now it's time to figure out what caused the problem! I will continue to watch my other ducks to make sure they stay safe. Thank you both so much.
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