"Female" Duck turned out to be a male... is the other one a male too?


May 14, 2021
So unfortunately my "guaranteed" female cayuga is obviously a drake at this point. Its bigger, never quacks, and its tail is starting to curl. Even though this one has a white feather. I have one other cayuga who is more female like and slender, small. But she never quacks, her voice sounds male. I cant tell if her back end is trying to curl or not. She looks exactly body wise like the other females but she just doesnt quack. Is she hopefully... still a she?
Sometimes the males lower on the pecking order are allowed to eat less by the dominant male, so they don't grow as much as the others. I heard that sometimes the dominant drake pulls away the curl on the other males, I don't know if this is right or not.
So, the only guaranteed sexing is by the voice. If the voice sounds like a male, it's probably a male.
Sometimes the males lower on the pecking order are allowed to eat less by the dominant male, so they don't grow as much as the others. I heard that sometimes the dominant drake pulls away the curl on the other males, I don't know if this is right or not.
So, the only guaranteed sexing is by the voice. If the voice sounds like a male, it's probably a male.
this is.... the worst news 😭 why was i cursed with so many male ducks
Some ducks are just quiet and don't vocalize unless distressed. Try picking up your smaller cayuga and walk away from the flock. If you're still not sure then take a video and we can help figure it out :)
i'll go catch "them" simply because im gonna be so sad if all my cayugas were male when i was told female... i even gave the excess away to a friend so i have no chance at having females anymore if she isnt.
i'll go catch "them" simply because im gonna be so sad if all my cayugas were male when i was told female... i even gave the excess away to a friend so i have no chance at having females anymore if she isnt.
You can always buy an adult duck. Check craigslist :confused:
Some ducks are just quiet and don't vocalize unless distressed. Try picking up your smaller cayuga and walk away from the flock. If you're still not sure then take a video and we can help figure it out :)
Well I couldnt get a video because he was quiet anytime I tried, but there is no doubt its a male.... no matter how much i chased, held, walked off with he only ever did a male warble. The for sure female ducks I had of the same age were all quacking their heads off and I wasnt even after them.
If you bought sexed ducklings I would be calling up whoever you got them from. Maybe/hopefully they can make it right.
If you bought sexed ducklings I would be calling up whoever you got them from. Maybe/hopefully they can make it right.
I got them from Callahans in Austin... which I wont be buying from again. The first hiccup was they snuck pekins in with the welsh harlequins and called them the "gold" variety. And now theyve clearly worked with a breeder who lied about sexing. And not to be too picky but the cayugas have yellowing bills and feet, brown striping under their chins and bellys....
I had a whole issue reserving these cayugas in the first place, one person reserving them for me, the other saying they were delayed, another person saying they didnt know what i was talking about, day of someone saying they never had a special order for cayugas, then another saying oh wait yes we do have them but theyre only a couple and theyre straight run, then getting there and someone acting like "duh, this is the female special order"....
it was all a pain and then it has resulted in me not even getting female cayugas. Idk, I'm more mad at Callahans at this point. I have to rehome 3 males now because now my ratio is 4 males to 2 females. A recipe for disaster.

Just had to vent, distraught all my time and work was for rehoming half my ducks.

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