Female or Male? Grey Easter Egger and White Delaware


In the Brooder
May 25, 2016
A couple weeks ago my flow was completely wiped out by a fox and her kits. We purchased some young ones to start a new flock; they were about 2 months. Ok so I am pretty confident that my Rhode Island Red is a rooster (like he was suppose to be) and that my Wyandottes (like they were suppose to be) are hens. My Delaware and Easter Egger act like roosters (they were suppose to be hens). Help please! My Easter Egger is the Grey one and the Delaware is the white one. They are the oldest in the bunch. They are 3 months and a couple weeks. The lady said she had experience breeding chickens and was positive that they are hens. If they are roosters I understand people make mistakes and hopefully she will trade me some hens (but I am already attached).

Sometimes girls can act like boys because they are the more dominant birds (or want to be). We hatched out 4 bantam cochins and I was sure two were boys because of their behaviour, always play fighting with each other, standing up tall at the first sign of danger etc, but they are in fact all girls. We also have an Old English Game bantam hen who will mount out bantam Wyandottes as a show of dominance. We can't have a rooster who would keep that sort of thing in check. I'm not familiar with either breed so I can't say if they are pullets or cockerels. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will be along soon.
I just realized your photos were from May, and was going to ask for current photos & age. But, you know what you have by now. Sorry for the males.

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