Females? (I hope so)


Mar 26, 2017
I just got these today. They are both 3 wk old. The lighter one is a lavender Orpington. The darker one is a lav orp/ black australorp cross. Any thoughts on them being male or female? They both have really small
combs and I can't notice an signs of wattles. But I'm new to chicken world.
G’Day from down under savannahchick

Sorry, too soon to tell but definitely cute!

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I agree, they're too young to be able to tell for sure. Give them another 2-3 weeks.

Thanks for joining us!
Sooooo, not sure if this is normal or I just got a naughty one, but the black one loves to "fly". Like she (hopefully) jumps super high flapping her wings and she can already get out of her 2 ft tall brooder. I draped a thin blanket over the top as a cover and that keeps her in. But as soon as I uncover the corner she comes running and jumps up. And off offer my hand, she jumps up and perches. And now her sister (hopefully) is trying too. Supposedly these weren't handled very much so maybe I have a super outgoing girl OR does this mean it's more likely to be a rooster? OR are they older than what I was told which was 3 weeks?
That just sounds like normal behavior to me...just be sure their brooder is kept covered but still allows plenty of ventilation.

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