Fenced yard, enclosed run, or both?


Jun 8, 2015
Auburn, Alabama, USA
We are in the info-gathering stage and need advice on whether we "need" an enclosed run if we fence the duck area. We plan to get a mixture of Welsh Harlequin ducks and Muscovy. We have an unfenced half acre backyard, mix of lawn and forest, in a small residential neighborhood. We have the potential for every type of predator here. We plan to fence the yard using a 4 foot high utility fence. The birds will be housed in a secure coop at night but during the day we want to give them as much freedom as possible. We have trees and shrubs for cover. My husband and I work away from home during the day. Do we need to provide a secure, enclosed run for the daytime or would the fenced yard be safe enough for adult birds?

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