Fencing for chickens


6 Years
Hello! I had a quick question about fencing for my chickens. Recently, they've been making their way up to the neighbor's bird feeder (it's on the the property line between my property and their's) and I talked to them, and they said they actually enjoyed the chickens! But then my hens started getting braver and braver each time they went up and were soon digging in the next house's down gardens. That was NOT ok, and fortunately that lady was very kind as well. So I am thinking of putting some fencing up to keep them down in my yard. But the problem is, my two EE's can fly huge heights, and was wondering if they wanted to get over to the other side, would they? Also, does anyone know of any portable fencing (like I can it up when they come out) that looks ok? Thanks a ton!
Some chickens will travel, some stay a little closer to home, but I have found that the more I let them out, the farther they roam. Try leaving them in your run/coop for several days, to sort of retrain them, and only let them out for a little bit each day. I have heard of electric fencing, but not sure how that works.

You can clip the wing feathers of the flyers, which might help, but does take their defense away to escape.

Mrs K

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